- 女性主義論公共政策分析
- 批判性法律研究之評析(上)
- 批判性法律研究之評析 (下)
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- 當代公共政策研究中的多元主義
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題 名 | 女性主義論公共政策分析 |
作 者 | 石之瑜; | 書刊名 | 中國行政評論 |
卷 期 | 2:3 1993.06[民82.06] |
頁 次 | 頁67-90 |
分類號 | 572.9 |
關鍵詞 | 公共政策; 女性主義; 多元主義; 個人主義; 形式主義; 理性主義; Policy analysis; Formalism; Pluralism; Rationalism; Individualism; Feminism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 形式主義多元主義和理性主義構成當代公共政策分析中的三大迷思。這主迷思 隱含了社會兩種價值的分立,即男性價值與女性價值。事實上,男性價值只是對男 人氣質的一種理想陳述,從來沒有真正說明過男人;同樣地,女性價值只反映了對 女人角色的理想期待,完全不能在規範上或實證上說明其正當正,然而由於自古以 來男人與公共事務的結合,使今日公共政策分析中反映出來的,恰是對男性氣質的 推崇與對女性氣質的貶抑,重覆了刻板印象中,將男人與女人,或將男性氣質與女 性氣質對立起來的迷信。女性主義的角度在此頗值得注意,她對政府服務對象的關 切,重視微觀的、具體的成長經驗與包容性的政策立場,對前線工作人員所處情境 的認同等等,均是主流公共政策分析之中所看不到的,也正是女性主義最大的貢獻 所在。 |
英文摘要 | An individualistic bias has continued in the contemporary mode of public policy analysis in the disguise of pluralism, rationalism and formalism. Individualism pretends that the form of individuality is more important than its contents. This bias is preceded with the distinction of two seprate value systems, masculine and feminine, and the unstated assumption that only the former should be recognized in the public. In reality, however, masculine values describe only the ideal, not a real man, and feminine values, similarly, reflect only the ideal man's expectation of the ideal woman. The classic association of man with the public and woman with the private reinforces the stress of masculine values in public affairs, repeating the inculpable distinction of men and women and of masculine and feminine characteristics. Feminism can contribute to policy analysis by attending particularly to clinents of government services, their micro experiences and their affective needs, reconciling willingly those seemingly incompatible policy positons, and empathizing with the unique needs of each street-level public workers. |