題 名 | 個人主義與政策偏好之研究 |
作 者 | 莫季雍; | 書刊名 | 空大行政學報 |
卷 期 | 2 1994.12[民83.12] |
頁 次 | 頁21-57 |
分類號 | 571.9 |
關鍵詞 | 個人主義; 民意; 公共政策; 政策偏好; Individualism; Public opinion; Public policy; Policy preferences; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 個人主義隨著二十世紀民主政治制度及資本主義經濟制度的發展而昌盛,這種認為每個人都是獨立的個體,而且與生即賦有自然權利的信念不僅是美國傳統文化的一部分,並且已融入為美國人基本自我概念的一部分,他/她們長久以來即相當擁護自由和自我依賴的觀念和理想,然而社會科學家卻一直擔心這個「自我約世紀」會對民主政治裡的公共生活帶來重大傷害。本研究略述了個人主義概念的由來,並就其對公共政策的偏好友立場做一實證的探究,因為民眾對公共政策的意見是民主生活方式中最重要的部分之一。研究中試圖將個人主義的核心理念區分為兩個部分,一是有關自我的觀念--認為人具有自主性和自我依賴性,而可以追求自我利益;一是有關群我關係的觀念一一認為社會應採放任式的經濟和有限政府,以提供人民充分的自由與發展機會。實證部分係分析一九九O年美國NES調查資料,使發現了三個面向的個人主義信念,受訪者在個人主義量表中各項目上所表示的立場有相當大地變異,並有相當高比例的人選擇非個人主義的立場,與許多學者的主張顯然不一致。這種兩可的心態不僅證實了兩種觀念共存的狀況,也證明了個人主義在美國並不是獨具優勢的意識型態。以社會背景來分析,白人、收入及教育程度較高的美國人較認同有限政府和自主的概念,年輕的一代,較他們的上一代而言,似乎不僅希望有更多的自主與自由,卻又希望政府應更有為,才能照顧眾人的生活,這種觀念可能影響未來民主國家政府政策的型態。多變項分析的結果,發現個人主義的三個信念對於公共政策有不盡相似的影響型態,其中有限政府和自我依賴二個信念造成人們反對一些特別圖利某些社會群體的社會政策,自主的信念則顯現對公民自主權的偏好有密切的關聯。另一方面,才限政府與自我依賴亦影響人們對公共政策或問題責任應由誰來擔負的看法,分析發現較具個人主義信念者,愈可能認同許多問題的解決應該是個人的責任,而不應由社會或政府來承擔。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigated the concept of individualism and empirically examinedits impact on policy preferences of American voters. Individualism was conceptualized as having two dimensions of core beliefs (1) ideas about self-seeing individuals as possessing characters like autonomy and self reliance, and (2) ideas about self society relations seeing society as best providing freedom and self-development when there is a laissez faire economic system and limited government. The impact of individualism was examined in the research framework as the determinants of positions on public issues in areas like national issues, racial issues, social welfare issues, civil liberties issues, as well as the attribution of issue responsibility. The 1990 NES data set was used and a factor analysis generated thre edimensions limited government, autonomy, and self-reliance. Results showed respondents did not uniformly and overwhelmingly support the individualistic beliefs. White, higher income, higher educated people more strongly endorsed limited government and autonomy ideas than others. Those who are under 40 years of age tended to ask for more autonomy yet demanded more from their government. Correlation and multiple regression analyses showed limited government andself-reliance were associated with the opposition to many social policies that benefit certain social groups, autonomy belief showed a strong relation to preference on civil liberties issues. Individualistic thinking contributed to the attribution of issue responsibility to individuals rather than to the government or the whole society. The study suggested individualism does have an impact on structuring citizens' mind in deciding on issue preferences. The pattern of influence, however, may vary depending upon different dimensions of individualism. The ideology of individualism was widely claimed to have great impact on citizen participation in public affairs andits meaning and functions in our society deserves further investigation. |