題 名 | 臺中師院一年級學生自我概念及其與學業成績相關之研究 |
作 者 | 陳易芬; | 書刊名 | 臺中師院學報 |
卷 期 | 9 1995.06[民84.06] |
頁 次 | 頁61-95 |
分類號 | 521.12 |
關鍵詞 | 臺中師院學生; 自我概念; 學業成績; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討大一學生之自我概念現況及其與學業成績之關係。研究對象為臺中師院大一學生五百三十一人,其中男生一百七十七名,女生三百五十四名。以單因子變異數分析,比較不同性別、系別、班別學生在自我概念各層面有無差異,以積差相關探討自我概念與學業成績之相關情形,研究結果如下: (一)大部份大一學生在自我概念各層面上,除了生理自我以外,皆有正向積極的自我概念。 (二)男生在自我批評的分數顯著高於女生,女生在道德倫理自我的分數顯著高於男生。男生與女生在其他自我層面及總分上皆無顯著差異。 (三)不同系別學生在自我概念各層面上之比較,顯示特教系學生之自我批評分數顯著高於其他學系的學生。 (四)同系但不同班別學生自我概念之比較,顯示各系情況不一。有的系不同班學生在自我概念各層面上均無差異,有的系不同班學生在若干自我層面上有所差異。 (五)自我概念與學業成績呈正相關,唯相關係數不高。 (六)自我概念各層面中,以道德倫理自我對學業成績之預測力量最大。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study was to investigate the relations of self-concept and academic grade of the first year students at National Taichung Teachers' College. The subjects were 177 male students and 354 female students. The Tennessee Self Concept Scale was administered to the subjects. The academic grade was the grade average of the students in the first semester. The results of the study showed that: (1)The mean scores of self-concept scale are higher than the average of the norms, which indicated the self concept of the first year students are positive and sound. (2)There are no significant differences between sex in the self concept, except that the moral-ethical self of female students is higher than male students and self-criticism of male students is higher than female students. (3)There are no significant differences between department in the self concept, except that self-criticism of students of Department of Special Education is higher than that of some other Departments. (4)The relation of self concept and academic grade is positive. (5)The most powerful facet of self concept that can predict academic grade is moral-ethical self.F |