- 生技合成難消化性寡醣與聚糊精對成年男子血清脂質之影響
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題 名 | 生技合成難消化性寡醣與聚糊精對成年男子血清脂質之影響 |
作 者 | 劉守芬; 蔡敬民; | 書刊名 | 中華民國營養學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 20:1 1995.01[民84.01] |
頁 次 | 頁1-12 |
分類號 | 411.38 |
關鍵詞 | 寡醣; 聚糊精; 血清脂質; 人體; Oligosaccharides; Polydextrose; Serum lipids; Human; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 有些生技合成寡醣與聚糊精,在消化道內有類似天然纖維的不易被消化之生理性質,本實驗欲探討它們對人體血清脂質的影響是否亦有類似纖維之功能?遴選年輕大學男生50人為實驗對象,將受試者分成5組,每組10人,除維持普通飲食外,且每天飲用含10克果寡醣-1、果寡醣-2、異麥芽寡醣、半乳寡醣或聚糊精所配製之糖液,連續攝取18天。實驗期之第1、13、19天抽血測定血清膽固醇(CS)、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(HDL-CS)、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL-CS)、三酸甘油酯(TG)含量。結果顯示,果寡醣-1、異麥芽寡醣和聚糊精皆可明顯降低血清CS值,及降低血清LDL-CS值;但果寡醣-1亦會使HDL-CS降低;各組對TG都沒有明顯影響(p<0.05)。 |
英文摘要 | Several synthesized oligosaccharides and polydextrose are indigestible ingastrointestinal tract, similary to natural dietary fibers but with smaller molecules.This study was to investigate whether they can reduce serum lipids as dietaryfiber does. Fifty young voluntary university students were divided into fivegroups with ten subjects per group. Ali subjects were maintaining their normaldiets but plus 10 g of fructooligosaccharide-1, fructooligosaccharide-2, isomaltooligosaccharide, galactooligosaccharide or polydextrose for 18 days. The serum cholesterol (CS), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-CS), low density lipoproteincholesterol (LDL-CS) and triacyiglycerol (TG) were determined. Results showedthat fructooligosaccharide-I, isomaltooligosaccharide and polydextrose decreasedserum LDL-CS and CS. Fructooligosaccharide-1 also reduced (p<0.05) serumHDL-CS. SeruTU TG was not effected by the dietary treatments. |