題 名 | 德國教育哲史科目教學與研究之探討 |
作 者 | 馮朝霖; | 書刊名 | 教育與心理研究 |
卷 期 | 16 1993.09[民82.09] |
頁 次 | 頁145-174 |
分類號 | 521.652 |
關鍵詞 | 研究; 科目; 教育; 教學; 德國; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文目的在於介紹德國(主要是統一前的西德)教育學門中,教育哲學與教育歷 史相關科目之教學與研究現狀與趨勢。教育哲史在德國是以〞一般教育學〞( All-gemeine Paedagogik )或〞歷史的-系統的教育學〞( historisch-systematische Paedagogik ) 呈現,在多元而互見特色的異同中,其主要問題範疇為三個:ヾ教育人類學、ゝ教育倫理學 及ゞ教育學術理論(或稱後設理論,Metatheorie )。陳述次序如下:壹、前言(哲學、教 育與人);貳、教育哲史科目在整個教育學門中之地位份量、意義與任務;參、教育哲史科 目教學與課程;肆、教育哲史科目之重要範疇及問題:ヾ教育人類學、ゝ教育倫理學、ゞ教 育學學術理論;伍、結論與建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study was an attempt to introduce the subject of Educational Philosophy and History (EPH) coupled with its relevant instruction and research issues in Germany (i.e., the former Federal Republic of Germany). This subject (EPH) was presented as "general pedagogy" (Allgemeine Padagogik) or "systematic historical pedagogy" (Historisch-systematishe Padagogik) . The discipline consists of three domains: (1) educational anthropology; (2) ethics of education; and (3) theory of educational science (or Metatheore). The discussion of this study was presented in the following sections. Chapter one, the introduction, focused on the topic of philosophy, education and man. Chapter two outlined the status, meaning and task of the field. Curriculum and instruction of this subject were included in chapter three. The important issues and sub-fields of this subject were discussed in chapter four covering educational anthropology, ethics of education, and theory of educational scence. Conclusion and recommendations were reported in the last chapter. |