題 名 | 教材影響學生科學概念學習之初探--以國小自然科學電動機單元為例 |
作 者 | 謝秀月; | 書刊名 | 臺南師院學報 |
卷 期 | 26 1993.06[民82.06] |
頁 次 | 頁239-254 |
分類號 | 303 |
關鍵詞 | 自然科學; 科學概念; 國小; 教材; 電動機單元; 學生; 學習; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討科學教材(教科書和教學指引)內容的迷思概念,會影響學 生科學概念的學習。並以我國國小自然科學第十二冊電動機單元的教科書內容與 教學指引內容為例,說明其可能致使學生與老師產生另有想法:電動機會轉動, 是因為磁鐵的相同磁極互相排斥造成的,所以電樞必須纏繞鐵釘才可以使它動機 轉動的迷思概念。 物理學上說明簡單直流電動機會轉動的原理,在本文中加以詳述。並用此原理說 明國小教材迷思概念的內容所產生的困惑問題。且建議八十年代的新課程,為避 免相同的迷思概念再發生,務必要修訂原來教材的敘述和組合方式,讓教材發揮 最大的正面效果,避免引導迷思概念的產生。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to investigate misconceptions in sciencematerials (textbooks and teachers' guides). These misconceptions might influencestudents' science concept learning. This study uses the unit about electric motorsin the elementary science textbook, Volume 12, and in the teachers' guide as anexample to explain how these misconceptions might mislead students and teachersto have alternative ideas. In the unit about electric motors, the teachingmaterials discuss the repulsion of like magnetic poles. Therefore, this might leadstudents to believe that the movement of an electric motor is caused by therepulsion of like magnetic poles. This study illustrates the principle of a simpleDC electric motor. It also discusses the confusion caused by the content oftextbooks. Some suggestions are made for a new elementary curriculum to avoidmisconceptions and to improve teaching effectiveness. |