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題 名 | 網路輔助自然科學習對不同能力水準及性別之國小學生學習成效影響之研究=The Impacts of Web-Supported Science Education on Learning Effects of Elementary Students with Different Ability Level and Gender |
作 者 | 歐陽誾; 蔡竺君; | 書刊名 | 初等教育學報 |
卷 期 | 14 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁137-188 |
分類號 | 523.36 |
關鍵詞 | 網路輔助自然科學習; 國小學生; 能力水準; 性別; 合作學習; Web-supported science education learning; Elementary students; Ability level; Gender; Cooperative learning; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的主要目的在比較網路輔助學習對不同能力水準及性別的國小學生在自然科學成績和自然科學態度上得分之差異情形,並進一步探討學生對於參與網路輔導自然科學習的看法與態度。 本研究以臺南師範學院附屬實驗國民小學五年級36名學生為研究對象,進行為期一個月的網路科技輔助自然科學習的實驗教學。歸納分析的結果,本研究的重要發現一共包含下列五項: 一、網路輔助自然科教學後,不同能力水準學生在「自然科學成就測驗」的成績表現上有顯著的差異。 二、網路輔助自然科教學後,不同能力水準與不同性別的學生在「自然科學態度」上的差異並未達到統計上的顯著水準。 三、大多數學生對網路輔助自然課程學習多持正面肯定的態度,不但認為藉由網路的輔助可增進其對於學習內容的理解,更由於網路輔助自然科的課程安排有助於提升其對於自然科的學習興趣。 四、在學生的學習表現上,就不同能力者而言,高能力者在組內的表現受到大多數同學的肯定;就性別而言,以男生在組內各項任務上的表現較為出色。 五、在網路輔助學習中學生的學習能力、教師的教學與責任、秩序的管理、評量及分組等問題均是影響網路學習成效的重要因素。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this study was to understand the differences of science achievement and science attitude between elementary students of high-ability, mid-ability, low-ability and male-, female-students by applying web-supported learning in science classes. Moreover, the participants' viewpoints about using the web-supported learning in science classes were also investigated. The subjects of this study were 36 fifth-grade students from National Tainan Teachers Collage Affiliated Primary School. The period of experimental instruction lasted for one month. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. After the experiment of web-supported learning, the science achievement between students with different ablility level had a significant differece. 2. After the experiment of web-supported learning, the science attitude between students with different ability level and gender had not a significant difference. 3. Most students' attitude and opinions to the web-supported learning were optimistic and positive. 4. For the performance of participants, the performance of high-ability students was the best among the participants; the performance of male-students was better than the female-students. 5. The disadvantages of this experiment were including the insufficient ability of students, teacher's lack fo assistance, classroom discipline, the method of assessment, and so on. |