- 國小學生的概念構圖和自然科學學習成就之研究
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- 國小自然科學、數學學習成就測驗編製研究報告
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- 「概念構圖教學課程」對國小一年級學生自然科學習表現影響之研究
- 國民小學自然科學、數學(1-12冊)學習成就測驗編製簡介
作 者 | 黃萬居; | 書刊名 | 臺北市立師範學院學報 |
卷 期 | 24 1993.06[民82.06] |
頁 次 | 頁47-66 |
分類號 | 523.36 |
關鍵詞 | 成就; 自然科學; 國小; 測驗; 概念; 試題; 構圖; 學生; 學習; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目標是要探討我國國小高年級: (1) 學生能否將學過的自然科學概念以概念圖表示出來?同時概念圖的製作是否能 被學生所接受? (2) 學生分別以概念構圖法和傳統法學習自然科學,學習成就有無顯著差異? (3) 學生概念圖得分的高低,對學習成就有無顯著影響? (4) 學生過去的學習成就,與本研究的學習成就和概念構圖能力之相關程度為何? 本研究的樣本取自台北市、縣六所國民小學,十二個班級共有551名學生參加。 實驗組在研究前兩個月先學習概念構圖的技巧,按著實驗組和控制組各一組接受 前測,該測驗包括未來兩週的授課內容。授課期間,各學校由同一位老師教實驗 組、控制組各一班,在每節課結束前十分鐘,學生接受一份列有該節課所授內容 的概念,要求實驗組學生畫概念圖;而控制組學生則對這些概念下定義,概念圖 和定義完成後交給任課老師,經批改後再發還給學生。授課完畢後一週,所有學 生均接受後測,試題與前測相同。 結果:(1)根據概念圖的得分,發現有半數以上的學生已經學好概念構圖技巧。再 由概念構圖問卷,發現學生對概念構圖所持的態度,正面的遠比負面的為多, 不過有不少學生認為概念構圖技巧不易學好。(2)以概念構圖法和傳統法學習自 然科學,學習成就無顯著的差異。(3)學生的概念圖得分高者,學習成就亦高。(4) 學生的學習成就和概念構圖能力與「上一學期自然科學的分數」和「瑞文氏補 充圖型智力測驗(SPM)分數」間,有顯著的相關存在。 |
英文摘要 | t The study was designed 1 ) to assess 6th graders' ability and attitude towardconcept mapping, 2 ) to determine the effectiveness of the concept-mapping techniqueon science achievement, 3 ) to evaluate the relationships among students' scienceachievement, concept-mapping ability and past achievement. The study wasconducted at six elementary schools in Taipei City and Taipei County, Taiwan.Twelve intact classes took part in this study. Prior to the study, experimental groupslearned the concept mapping technique two months before. Then, a pretest wasadministered to an experimental group and a control group ( El and Cl ) . The testcovered the content that would be taught during the upcoming two weeks. Duringthese two weeks, each teacher taught one experimental class and one control class atevery school. All students received regular course instruction. Ten minutes before theend of each class period, the students received a list of concepts covered all thatinstructors had taught during the class period. Only groups El and E2 were asked tomap these concepts. Groups Cl and C2 were asked to define these concepts. Conceptmaps and definitions were completed and turned in to the instructors at the end ofthe class period and were then graded and returned to the students the next classperiod. After finishing the course unit one week, posttest which contained the samequestions as the pretest was administered to all students. The findings are as following: 1 ) Based on the scores of concept-maps, morethan a half students had learned how to make a concept map. Besides, most of thestudents' attitude toward concept mapping was positive. However, some students thought to make a concept map was difficult. 2 ) There was no main effect due totreatment was detected. However, in treatment groups, science achievement washigher for students whose concept-map scores were higher. 3 ) The relationshipsamong students' science achievement, concept-mapping ability and past achievementwere significant. |