- Reconsideration of Assessing South Pacific Albacore Stocks(Thynnus alalunga)
- 南太平洋長鰭鮪的資源研究與漁業概況﹣﹣參加第三屆南太平洋長鰭鮪資源研討會會議報告
- Estimating the Maximum Sustainable Yield of South Pacific Albacore, 1971-1985
- 南太平洋長鰭鮪漁業之資源管理與開發利用
- Seasonal Changes of the Distribution of South Pacific AlBacore Based on Taiwan's Tuna Longline Fisheries, 1971-1985
- 北太平洋長鰭鮪資源的研究與開發(2):表層漁業漁場
- Fluctuation of the South Pacific Albacore Stocks(Thynnus alalunga) Relative to the Sea Surface Temperature
- 北太平洋之長鰭鮪資源
- 南太平洋長鰭鮪分佈與洄游之初步探討
- ARIMA Modeling and Forecasting the Albacore Catch and CPUE of the Taiwanese Tuna Longline Fishery in the South Atlantic Ocean