- Reconsideration of Assessing South Pacific Albacore Stocks(Thynnus alalunga)
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題 名 | Reconsideration of Assessing South Pacific Albacore Stocks(Thynnus alalunga)=南太平洋長鰭鮪資源評估 |
作 者 | 王健雄; | 書刊名 | 臺灣海洋學刊 |
卷 期 | 37:3 1999.01[民88.01] |
頁 次 | 頁251-266 |
分類號 | 439.24 |
關鍵詞 | IPM法; 南太平洋長鰭鮪; 資源評估; IPM-method; South Pacific albacore; Stock assessment; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 結合類似Schnute-method的方法之後,改良式剩餘生產量模式(IPM-method) 成為 很有效的非平衡式之資源評估方法。只需漁獲量與努力量的資料,即可用於評估漁業資源, 並求得環境收容力 (K),潛在成長率 (r),以及漁獲率 (q)。依此方可求得資源量,自然及 漁獲死亡率,開發率,生產率等,並將之實際應用於評估南太平洋長鰭鮪資源。以南太平洋 長鰭鮪資源為例,可估得長鰭鮪之環境收容力 (K),潛在成長率 (r),以及漁獲率 (q)。依 此求得每年之漁獲死亡率以及生物量,以做為資源變動情形之研判依據。結果顯示,南太平 洋長鰭鮪之資源參數為:K=161134mt,r=1.72063,q=7.51156x1O ���e。 唯一的平衡漁獲點為 :Feq=0.57354,Beq=5371lmt,Yeq=30806mt,Xeq=7.635x1O �翩C因聖嬰現象所導致漁場表層水 溫的變化,以及大目流刺網漁業的急速加入,可能是影響南太平洋長鰭鮪資源變動的兩個主 要因素。 |
英文摘要 | An improved surplus production model (IPM) was introduced in this paper. Combined IPM-method and the Schnute's method, a more powerful non-equivalent model can be formed and applied in assessing fish stocks. Only catch and effort data are necessary and if fitted by the method of least squares then carrying capacity, intrinsic growth rate. catchability can be obtained. Hence, annual biomass, natural and fishing mortality, exploitation rate and productivity etc., can be calculated directly. As a numerical example, this method was applied in assessing the South Pacific albacore stock. Carrying capacity (K), intrinsic growth rate (r), and catchability (q) of the South Pacific albacore stocks (Thyunnus alalunga) were estimated. The fluctuations of the annual fishing mortality and biomass were examined. The results revealed that K = 161134 mt, r = 1.72063 and q= 7.51156 × 10 ���e The unique equivalent point was estimated as Feq = 0.57354, Beq = 53711 mt, Yeq = 30806mt and Xeq = 7.635x10 �� hooks. The relationships between the sea surface temperature and the biomass were examined. The results revealed that fairly correlation coefficient can be found except for some years. The larger deviations appeared in some years might be mainly related to the severe El Nino vents and he rapid development of the gill netter. |