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- Feminist Scholarship: An International Perspective
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題 名 | Feminist Scholarship: An International Perspective=性別研究之國際性發展 |
作 者 | Monk, Janice J.; Monk, Janice J.; | 書刊名 | 人口學刊 |
卷 期 | 11 1988.06[民77.06] |
頁 次 | 頁197-218 |
分類號 | 516.6 |
關鍵詞 | 性別研究; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 近廿年。女性主義學者已經開創了一個女性與性別的研究體系,其中包括有科際整合,以及人文或社會科學中的各個領域。這種工作已經成為今日國際性研究的一大特色,有許多觀點與原理原則在其間被大家所共同分享,但彼此間仍舊有個別差異存在。 在此論文中,將介紹許多在研究上廣為女性主義學者所應用的觀點及研究方法,主要以英文出版的文獻為範圍,如此一方面可說明研究的焦點何在,也祈使研究能將反映不同的社會文化脈絡納為必要且固定的工作要項。最後更提出國際性的例子,說明不同的制度體系中,其研究與教學上的運作情形。 |
英文摘要 | For almost two decades, feminist scholars have been creating a body of research on women and gender that is both interdisciplinary and specific to many fields in the social sciences and humanities. This work has become an international enterprise with many shared concepts and principles, but it a1so varies among different contexts. This paper will introduce several concepts and approaches that have wide use and utility in feminist scholarship. It will indicate those areas where research has been most extensive, particularly, though not exclusively, drawing on literature published in English. It will then speculate on how the cu1tural contexts in which the research has been created has shaped the work. Finally, it will provide some examples of the different institutional contexts within which research and teaching on women are being conducted internationally. |