- Unsteady Thermal Entrance Heat Transfer of Laminar Duct Flows with Wall Suction and Injection
- Local Heat Transfer Distribution in a Rotating Single-Pass Rib-Roughened Flow Passage
- Heat Transfer in a Low-Aspect Ratio Rectangular Channel with Thermally-Active and -Nonactive Perforated Ribs
- 突張燃燒室中含壁面噴流之冷熱混合流場之熱傳分析
- A Perturbation Solution for Entrance Heat Transfer of Power-Law Fluids in Pipes with Wall Slip
- Laminar Film Condensation on a Horizontal Elliptical Tube with Uniform Surface Heat Flux and Suction at the Porous Wall
- 具有噴流或吸流之連續移動圓柱體的層流邊界層熱傳送
- 具有吸流或噴流之連續移動平板的層流邊界層熱傳送
- 水平等溫圓管中自然對流對熱進口區層流熱傳的效應
- 浮力對具有吸流或噴流作用之垂直移動平板的層流邊界層熱傳送的影響