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題 名 | 產品屬性與品牌形象對購買意願之影響:以臺灣大學鹿鳴米為例=Effects of Product Attributes and Brand Image on Purchase Intention: A Case Study of Lu Ming Rice |
作 者 | 王天妤; 停彭蓮香; 施晴; 王淑美; 温蓓章; | 書刊名 | 農林學報 |
卷 期 | 70:1 2023.03[民112.03] |
頁 次 | 頁71-81 |
分類號 | 496.34 |
關鍵詞 | 產品屬性; 品牌形象; 購買意願; Product attribute; Brand image; Purchase intention; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
DOI | 10.30089/JAF.202303_70(1).0006 |
中文摘要 | 鹿鳴米作為臺大主力農產商品之一,為臺大農藝系與臺南農業改良場產學合作研發的臺南16號米種,擁有獨特的品種與栽種技術、有機以及高單價等產品特徵。因此,為了瞭解哪些因素會分別對於不同年齡消費族群的購買意願有所影響,本研究透過發放網路問卷方式,將消費者分作四個年齡區段,希望分析臺大鹿鳴米的主要消費族群。透過問卷調查與資料分析了解消費者對於米產品的消費偏好,並且研究臺大品牌形象是否會影響其對於臺大鹿鳴米之購買意願。研究發現在各年齡層普遍都能夠認同臺大米品牌,而臺大米所能夠提供的感官享受,以及生產過程之友善契作與產地特徵,皆是消費者願意購買臺大米的重要考量因素;反之消費者不願意購買臺大米的主要原因,在各年齡層則皆為價格太高和已經擁有其他習慣購買米品牌。研究亦發現臺大品牌形象對於25-35歲的米消費族群之購買意願具有顯著影響,能夠產生品牌力效果。研究據此進一步針對鹿鳴米制定具體的行銷方案建議,並且作為日後臺大整合與建立農產品品牌之參考。 |
英文摘要 | As one of the primary agricultural products of National Taiwan University, Lu Ming Rice is the Tainan No. 16 variety developed by the Department of Agronomy at National Taiwan University and the Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station. This study aims to examine the factors influencing the purchase intentions of diverse age-based consumer segments towards rice products, categorized into four age groups through the distribution of online questionnaires, with a focus on understanding the main consumption patterns of NTU Lu Ming Rice. By analyzing the collected data, the study explores consumers' preferences for rice products and evaluates the influence of NTU's brand image on their willingness to purchase Lu Ming Rice. The results indicate that the NTU brand is widely recognized across all age groups, and factors such as sensory enjoyment, contract farming, and product origin significantly influence consumers' intention to buy Lu Ming Rice. However, the high price of the product and consumers' existing preference for other rice brands remain major reasons for their reluctance to purchase Lu Ming Rice. Furthermore, the study reveals a noteworthy impact of NTU's brand image on the purchase intention of the 25-35-year-old rice consumer group. Building upon these findings, specific marketing proposals are formulated for Lu Ming Rice, which can also serve as valuable insights for the integration and establishment of NTU's agricultural product brand in the future. |