- 液晶的應用--生化快篩新技術
- Effects of Thrombin on the Growth, Protein Synthesis, Attachment, Clustering and Alkaline Phosphatase Activity of Cultured Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts
- cDNA Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Human UDPglucose Dehydrogenase
- Penicillium simplicissimum W46胞外植酸酶之生產、純化及特性分析
- Bacillus macerans之環狀糊精葡萄糖苷基轉移酶基因在枯草桿菌中的胞外表現
- 新近斷奶仔豬蛋白酶處理大豆粉的探討
- 原型及固定化乳糖酶在乳糖水解過程中寡糖形成之比較
- 酚類資化酵母菌Candiada tropicalis酚類羥化酶基因的選殖
- 舉重選手重量訓練後血液生化值的變化
- Nitro変-L-Arginine Methyl Ester Decreases Minimum Alveolar Concentration of Isoflurane and Reduces Brain Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity in Rats