- 何故、ベトナムはできて、台湾はできないのか--台湾における日本語教育環境についての考察
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題 名 | 何故、ベトナムはできて、台湾はできないのか--台湾における日本語教育環境についての考察=為何越南能,臺灣不能?--臺灣日語教育環境考察、Why Vietnam Can, Taiwan Can Not? A Study of the Japanese Language Education Environment in Taiwan |
作 者 | 賴錦雀; | 書刊名 | 東吳日語教育學報 |
卷 期 | 48 2017.03[民106.03] |
頁 次 | 頁18-47 |
分類號 | 803.1 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣; 日語教育; 環境; 外語教育政策; 日語形容詞造詞; 台湾; 日本語教育; 外国語教育政策; 形容詞の語形成; Taiwan; Japanese education; Environment; Foreign language education policy; The formation of Japanese adjectives; |
語 文 | 日文(Japanese) |
中文摘要 | 目前(2017年2月)台灣的學生從小學時代開始學英語。高級中學及國民中學、國民小學並未將日語定為必修科目。大學日語系學生多數是從頭開始學日語,因此無法進行具有深度的教學。而在高中階段曾經修習過日語的學生,即使進了大學也會遇到銜接問題的困擾。由於所謂的國際化,有一部分大學日語系以英語教授日本文化等課程。反觀在韓國,日語乃是大學入學考試的科目之一,因此高中日語課程受到相當的重視;越南則於2016年9月開始在首都河內的小學設置了以日語為第一外語的實驗課程。觀察了台灣的教育狀況之後,產生了下列疑問:為何在台灣國際化變成了英語化?為何韓國能,台灣不能?為何越南能,台灣不能?本論文先考察台灣日語教育環境的問題點之後,再針對改善案提出個人的見解。 |
英文摘要 | At present, Taiwanese students begin to learn English from primary school. High school and secondary school, primary school do not make Japanese as a compulsory subject. Most of the Japanese language students are beginning to learn Japanese from 'a, i, u, e, o'. So teachers can not carry out advanced teaching activities. Students who have learned Japanese at the high school will encounter problems with articulation even when they enter university. In order to pursue internationalization, a part of the Japanese department teach Japanese culture courses in English. In Korea, Japanese is one of the subjects of university entrance examinations, so Japanese classes in high school is taken seriously. In Vietnam from September 2016 Japanese language learning class as the first foreign language was established at elementary school in Hanoi capital. Observed the educational environment in Taiwan, the following questions arise: Why does internationalization turn into English in Taiwan? Why Korea can, Taiwan can not? Why Vietnam can, Taiwan can not? In this paper, I will consider the problem of Japanese education environment in Taiwan, then make the suggestion on improvement. |