題 名 | Exploring the Efficacy of a Flipped EFL Basic Writing Class=探討英語為外語之基礎寫作班實施翻轉教學之成效 |
作 者 | 張淑英; | 書刊名 | 中科大學報 |
卷 期 | 3:1 2016.12[民105.12] |
頁 次 | 頁71-93 |
分類號 | 521.429 |
關鍵詞 | 翻轉教室; 混成學習; 合作學習; 磨課師; 英語為外語之寫作; Flipped classroom; Blended learning; Cooperative learning; MOOCs; EFL writing; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 雖然翻轉教室在世界各地的教育界已成熱門話題,且也應用於許多不同學科領域,但出現的一些侷限也削弱了此一教學模式的成效。其中最令人詬病的包括:(1)製作有吸引力的授課錄影帶,工程浩大,(2)設計自主、合作學習的課堂活動,極富挑戰,(3)過於依賴學生課前預習,然學生卻不見得配合,與(4)翻轉教室的教學策略並非適合所有課程與學生。因為翻轉教室在台灣仍屬相對新的觀念,所以英語為外語之基礎寫作班實施翻轉教學的實證研究不多。為克服上述的侷限並填補研究的缺口,本研究應用磨課師教材,翻轉部分課程,實施於大一英文寫作班。此小規模探索性研究的目的在於探討此翻轉教學模式對克服上述侷限與提升學生句子技巧學習成效的影響。本研究透過前後測、問卷與面談,以驗證研究成效。結果,不論是量化或質性資料皆顯示:此翻轉教學模式不僅克服了上述的侷限,同時也提升了學生的學習成效。 |
英文摘要 | Although the flipped classroom has been a hot topic in the education circle and many applications have been explored in various disciplines around the world, some limitations have been reported to impair the efficacy of the instructional model. Among them, the most cited ones include (1) significant work on making engaging lecture videos, (2) challenging job to design active, collaborative learning activities in class, (3) heavy reliance on students' pre-class preparation, which students do not always abide by; and (4) not the best instructional strategy for all lessons or learners. Since the flipped classroom concept is still relatively new in Taiwan, little empirical research has been done on flipping an EFL basic writing class. To overcome the above-mentioned limitations and to fill the gap, the author/instructor experimented with a partially flipped classroom design by integrating the course materials of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) into a college freshman English writing class in central Taiwan. The purpose of the small-scale exploratory study was to investigate the effects of such a flipped instructional design on overcoming the limitations stated above and on the learning efficacy of students' sentence skills. A pretest, posttest, survey, and interviews were used to measure the effects of the flipped instructional model. Both quantitative and qualitative results showed that the flipped instructional design improved not only the said drawbacks but also students' learning outcomes. |