題 名 | 謝靈運〈山居賦〉及自注的隱逸思想探究=A Study of Seclusion Thoughts of Xie Lingyun' Shan Ju Fu with Its Notes |
作 者 | 黎思文; | 書刊名 | 東吳中文線上學術論文 |
卷 期 | 34 2016.06[民105.06] |
頁 次 | 頁19-34 |
分類號 | 821.92 |
關鍵詞 | 謝靈運; 山居賦; 自注; 隱逸; Xie Lingyun; Shan Ju Fu; Notes; Seclusion; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 〈山居賦〉是謝靈運從永嘉太守任上稱疾去職歸隱始寧山居莊園所著,全文收錄于《宋書‧謝靈運傳》,賦中敘述了莊園地理環境、種植和建築狀況及謝靈運的佛道玄思想等,通過自注表達了其隱逸心志。考察〈山居賦〉文本可見謝靈運「選自然之神麗,盡高棲之意得」的隱逸狀態,以及因政治避禍、年衰疾至、順從性情等因素的交織而進行的仕與隱的調和。謝靈運企圖以隱居來改變漸趨下風的權利鬥爭,以悠遊山水林泉的方式排遣內心的苦悶和矛盾,將寄託訴諸宗教思想達到心靈的超脫。以謝靈運為切入點或許可以窺測在嚴峻形勢下的南朝士人的隱逸觀。 |
英文摘要 | Shan Ju Fu was written by Xie Lingyun during his living in seclusion in Shi Ning Mountain Manor after his resignation from Yongjia Prefecture, included in Song Shu Xie Lingyun Biography, and it described various aspects of the manor, the geographical environment, planting and building conditions, and Xie Lingyun’s thoughts mixed with Buddhism, Taoism and Metaphysics, and expressed his hermit mind by detailed notes. The text of Shan Ju Fu shows Xie Lingyun’s hermit status of "selecting a natural place, and living in seclusion" and his endeavor to make a balance between being hermit and official at the same time. Xie Lingyun attempted to win the fierce political struggle by living in seclusion, distract inner anguish and contradictions by traveling around and achieve detached soul by resorting to religious thought. Xie Lingyun may be a glimpse of scholars in Southern Dynasties in the grim situation. |