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題 名 | 實踐社群中的知識螺旋:高職教師在開發科學實驗課程的知識轉化=The Knowledge Spiral in Community of Practice: Teachers' Knowledge Transformation in Developing Innovative High School Science Curriculum |
作 者 | 林孟郁; 鍾武龍; 張月霞; | 書刊名 | 教育實踐與研究 |
卷 期 | 28:2 2015.12[民104.12] |
頁 次 | 頁117-148 |
分類號 | 524.5 |
關鍵詞 | 知識螺旋; 教師專業成長; 實踐社群; 課程發展; Communities of practice; Curriculum development; Knowledge spiral; Teacher professional development; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討一所高級職業學校7位教師在參與科技部專案型計畫中研發新興科技課程與創新教學方法時,成員之間互動行為特徵模式,以知識螺旋的轉化軌跡,檢驗教師在團體中的學習歷程及透過此歷程發展專業知能的適切性。本研究透過訪談、直接參與觀察與文件分析等方法,檢視教師在實驗教具開發及教學活動設計中,如何將內隱知識外顯為顯性知識及其顯性知識轉而內化成為內隱知識的歷程。研究結果發現教師課程與教學知識轉化的歷程是發生在實踐社群的交互學習與分享中,創新課程發展實踐社群中的教學方法的知識螺旋發展則是以實驗教具研發作為起點。本研究亦分析此社群課程發展的知識轉換傳遞路徑,歷經同化、外化、結合化及內化四個轉化階段。每個知識轉化的歷程皆具有其特定的意涵,缺少或跳躍任何一個步驟將會對知識的創新帶來阻滯。最後,研究發現透過在實踐社群中的學習能使知識循環的歷程越顯完整,成員能夠掌握的知識層次也愈高;而在實踐社群中透過個人在社群中的互動交流後方能啟動知識螺旋,且可由個人到團體進而達到知識擴大的學習、累積與創新。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims at investigating how knowledge spiral operates in a community of practice in which a group of vocational high school teachers developed innovative science curriculum for science courses. Research data for this qualitative study was obtained through interviews, direct participatory observation, and document analysis. Four modules of knowledge transformation model, including socialization, externalization, combination and internalization, are used to analyze each phase. The analysis shows how implicit knowledge is transformed into explicit knowledge and vice versa. The results also show that when knowledge spiral model is applied to an innovative curriculum development, the phase of developing experimental equipment can be a good starting point. For the development of the innovative curriculum, the curriculum community of practice went through four modes of knowledge transformation: socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization, in which each of the four modules possesses its own significance and the lack of any mode will result in setbacks in knowledge development. It is indicated in the findings that knowledge spiral starts off only after the community of practice have involved themselves in organizational learning and it works not only on individual teachers but also in the entire school organization. |