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題 名 | Strengthening Teacher's Sense of Effectiveness=增進教師的效能感 |
作 者 | Schleicher, Andreas; | 書刊名 | 教育學報 |
卷 期 | 43:1 2015[民104] |
頁 次 | 頁1-33 |
專 輯 | 大型國際評鑑:對教育政策與教學實務的啟示 |
分類號 | 522.2 |
關鍵詞 | 教師; 工作滿足感; 自我效能感; 教學; Teachers; Job satisfaction; Self-efficacy; Teaching; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 教師的自我效能感(亦即他們相信自己有能力教導學生和管理課堂)對其教學實踐、熱誠、投入、工作滿足感和課堂行為都有影響。究竟教師可如何強化自我效能感呢?根據經濟合作與發展組織2013年教與學國際調查(Teaching and Learning International Survey)的結果,教師若與同事和學生保持良好關係能提升其自我效能感與工作滿足感,同時亦能紓緩具挑戰性課堂對教師自我能力信念的負面影響。假若教師有定期與其他教師協作(包括合作教學、到其他教師的課堂觀課並提供回饋,或參與專業學習活動),他們亦傾向有較高自我效能感。雖然教與學國際調查結果顯示少於三分之一的教師相信社會重視教師這門專業,但在所有參與調查的國家或經濟體中(除其中之一外),有參與學校決策的教師都相信社會是重視教師專業的。在大多數國家,這些教師亦有較高的自我效能感。 |
英文摘要 | Teachers’ sense of self-efficacy — their belief in their ability to teach, engage students and manage a classroom — has an impact on their own practices, enthusiasm, commitment, job satisfaction and behavior in the classroom. How can teachers develop a greater sense of self-efficacy? According to results from the 2013 OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), good relations between teachers and their colleagues, and between teachers and their students can boost teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction while mitigating the negative effects that challenging classrooms can have on teachers’ beliefs in their own abilities. When teachers collaborate regularly with other teachers — by team teaching, observing and providing feedback on other teachers’ classes, or participating in professional learning activities — they also tend to report greater self-efficacy. While TALIS finds that fewer than one in three teachers believes that teaching is a valued profession in society, in all but one of the countries/economies that participated in the survey, teachers who reported that they can participate in decision making at school tend to believe that society values teaching as a profession. And in most countries, these teachers also report a greater sense of self-efficacy. |