- 數學自我概念、數學學習策略、數學學業情緒與數學學業成就之研究--自我提升模式觀點
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- 國中生數學學業自我概念及數學學習策略與數學學業成就之研究--自我提升模式觀點
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題 名 | 數學自我概念、數學學習策略、數學學業情緒與數學學業成就之研究--自我提升模式觀點=Relations among Mathematics Self-concept, Mathematics Learning Strategy, Mathematics Emotion, and Mathematics Academic Achievement: The Self-enhancement Model |
作 者 | 劉玉玲; 沈淑芬; | 書刊名 | 教育心理學報 |
卷 期 | 46:4 2015.06[民104.06] |
頁 次 | 頁491-516 |
分類號 | 310.3 |
關鍵詞 | 數學自我概念; 數學學業情緒; 數學學習策略; 數學學習成就; Mathematics academic achievement mathematics self-concept; Mathematics emotion; Mathematics learning strategy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究最依據March提出的學科自我概念以及Pekrun提出的學業情緒理論為基礎,建構一個國中生的數學學習模型以提供學習輔導的參考。本研究的目的如下:(1)驗證本研究學業自我概念模式與觀察資料的適配度;(2)分析學習策略在學科自我概念和學業成就間之中介效果;(3)分析學業情緒在學科自我概念和學業成就間之中介效果;(4)驗證本研究數學自我概念、數學學業情緒、數學學習策略與數學學習成就之模式。本研究以結構方程模式進行分析,結果顯示數學學業自我概念直接影響數學學業成就、數學學習策略與數學學業情緒,而數學學習策略直接影響數學學業成就,學業情緒直接影響數學學業成就。另外,數學自我概念可以數學學習策略與數學學業情緒為中介變項,間接影響數學學業成就。本研究依據分析結果在理論上的涵義進行討論,並提出對學習輔導及未來研究之建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study is based on the theory of academic self-concept from March and the theory of academic emotions from Pekrun in an attempt to examine a model to mathematics learning model for junior high students. The purposes of this study are: (1) to examine the proposed academic self-concept process model and to test the model fit. (2) to analyze whether learning strategies mediate the association between academic self-concept and academic achievement.(3) to analyze whether academic emotions mediate the association between academic self-concept and academic achievement, (4) to combine academic self-concept and academic emotion variables to understand whether those variables interaction produces learning synergy. The results support the hypotheses that Observed data were analyzed by SEM and the model comparison approach. Implications for theory, instructional intervention and future research are discussed. |