題 名 | 高職聽障學生數學多元智能教學之嚐試=Deaf Students of Vocational Senior High School Practise Multiple Intelligence Mathematics Teaching Experiment |
作 者 | 陳慶斌; | 書刊名 | 教育研究 |
卷 期 | 12 2004.06[民93.06] |
頁 次 | 頁133-144 |
分類號 | 529.67 |
關鍵詞 | 數學科多元智能教學; 多元智能; 數學學習興趣; 數學學習態度; 數學學習成就; Multiple intelligence; Math teaching with multiple intelligence; Math learning interest; Math learning attitude; Math learning achievement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | Howard Gardner 所提的多元智能教育理論,認為人類至少有八種基本智能,代表每個人的八種潛能,只有在適當的情境中才能充份發展出來。多數文獻的研究結果顯示對一般學生進行各科多元智能教學大都有助於學生學習。 研究者為探討聽覺障礙學生在數學科運用多元智能教學的可能結果,在該理論之架構下,選取高職二年級一個班的十位聽障生為對象,依所設計的教學模式,進行為期四個月的教學實踐。發現對聽障生實施多元智能數學教學後,可引起與提高聽障生的數學學習興趣,也可提高聽障生的數學學習成就,對聽障生的數學學習態度則未必有影響。 |
英文摘要 | Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Education Theory says we mankind at least have eight kinds of basic intelligences. They are eight kinds of human potential that can be developed only under proper circumstances. Most document findings reveal that Multiple Intelligences Education Theory helps learning in various courses toward ordinary learners. In order to realize Multiple Intelligences Education Theory's possible results in math teaching of deaf students, researchers select ten vocational senior high school students from one class in grade2 under the definitions and brief points of Mulitple Intelligences Education Theory. And the project goes. They proceed four months teaching experiment according to a well designed teaching mode. Math teaching with multiple intelligence is able to raise deaf students' learning interest. Math teaching with mutiple intelligence improves deaf students' learning achievement. Math teaching with multiple intelligence is not necessarily make effects on deaf students' learning attitude. |