題 名 | 從「勝人」到「自勝」--運動員的自我超越之道=From Mastering Others to Mastering Oneself: The Way Toward Self-Transcendence for Sportsmen |
作 者 | 林秀珍; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育運動大學學報 |
卷 期 | 4:1 2015.01[民104.01] |
頁 次 | 頁1-13 |
分類號 | 528.9014 |
關鍵詞 | 老莊哲學; 自我超越; 運動倫理學; Taoist philosophy; Self-transcendence; The ethics of sport; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 對運動員而言,運動世界總是存在著「競爭」元素,尤其隨著民族主義與功利主義的推波助瀾,運動被視為政治或商業炒作的工具,過度傾向工具化之後,連帶衝擊運動世界的倫理,以及運動員自我價值的定位。運動競技的倫理不只是共同遵守遊戲規則的公平競爭,還可以通過運動員的主體自覺向上提升,轉化競爭關係為運動員之間相互成全,彼此激盪的互惠關係。老莊哲學以向上回歸,「天人合一」的理路,轉化主體生命為立體超越,很切合運動員開展超然於上的運動生命。所以本文以老莊哲學為基礎,從「成器」與「成道」的上下兩路,梳理運動人生的價值抉擇,進一步演繹「勝人」到「自勝」的自我超越,是精神生命不斷升越的歷程,不僅能夠成就運動員的運動生命更上層樓,也為運動倫理開發終極的價值根源,體現運動文化的崇高價值。 |
英文摘要 | The world of sports is full of competitions, although sport is a valued human practice. In recent decades, market values and nationalism have become a dominated power which influences the development of sports deeply. Therefore, conquering others is regarded as the supreme goal in contemporary sports. Under such circumstance, the world of sports becomes more and more competitive, and the ethics of sports is undermined by cheating, violence and aggression because of intense competitions. It is urgent to guard against the danger of blind subservience to competitions, and to find a way to escape from the cage. Self-transcendence is one of the best ways for sportsmen. Those who take priority to self-transcendence are usually concerned about the true meaning of life. This means that the philosophy of life will decide the attitude of sportsmen while taking part in competition. This paper aims to explore an awareness of "complete life" for sportsmen according to Taoist philosophy in ancient China. Taoist philosophy is profound and goes deeper into the way of life. From the perspective of Lao-tzu, mastering others is strength. He who conquers himself is the real strong man. Conquering others can't get the true meaning of life. If sportsmen wish to appreciate the happiness and wellbeing in competitive sports, turning to self-transcendence is the best choice. |