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題 名 | 氣候變遷的全球治理:行政法的新圖像=Global Governance on Climate Change: New Landscape of Administrative Law |
作 者 | 葉俊榮; | 書刊名 | 臺灣國際法季刊 |
卷 期 | 10:2 2013.06[民102.06] |
頁 次 | 頁7-34 |
專 輯 | 氣候變遷與環境法 |
分類號 | 579.93 |
關鍵詞 | 氣候變遷; 氣候變遷法; 全球行政法; 全球治理; Climate change; Climate change law; Global administrative law; Global governance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著『氣候變遷法』領域的逐漸形成,傳統法律受到氣候變遷大尺度、具有高度不確定性等特色的影響,需要新的調適。其中,受到衝擊最深的,恐怕是行政法。本文檢討氣候變遷對於行政法的衝擊,並觀察氣候變遷全球行政法的發展,最後提出在氣候變遷時代行政法的新圖像。本文發現在氣候變遷議題跨國境、跨領域、跨部門等跨領域的特色下,國家管制工具朝向強調市場導向、經濟誘因式的管制方式革新,而主權國家以上及以下的多層次治理也逐步發展。本文同時觀察到,氣候變遷的規範化在京都議定書後逐步出現全球行政法的現象:多元行政主體出現、規範越發強調行政與程序、主體責信確保以及各項規則的法效性更為多方承認等。本文認為,氣候變遷時代的行政法圖像應是在內容上更具多元性、彈性及全球開放性,同時國家責任將被重新重視,而在立法策略上應先有框架性的立法,再逐一進行領域的規範補充,方能形成完備的氣候變遷立法。 |
英文摘要 | The features of large scale and high uncertainty of climate change have had great impact on traditional legal system. With its embedded regulatory structure, administrative law seems to be the area of law affected most by climate change governance. This article examines the impact of climate change to administrative law through analyzing the features of climate change governance and the development of global administrative law. In the end, I propose a changing landscape of administrative law in climate change era. In line with the trans-boundary, trans-disciplines, and trans-sectors features of climate change regime, regulatory tools are reformed to the direction of market-oriented and economic incentive regulation. Multilevel governance beyond and under the nation-state is developing too. Moreover, climate change has brought about the emergence of global administrative law, featured with multiple governing entities, administrative oriented norms, the requirement of accountability, and widely accepted rules. This article argues for a transformation of administrative law in the climate change era towards a more diverse, flexible and open one with the heightened state responsibility. In light of this transformation, legislative strategy to climate change should begin with a comprehensive framework law followed by individual policy and measures. |