題 名 | 全球治理與氣候變遷:評估哥本哈根會議(COP15)決策機制的衝擊與對策=Global Governance and Climate Change--An Assessment of Challenges and Strategies Related to the COP15 Decision-Making Mechanism |
作 者 | 曹俊漢; | 書刊名 | 歐美研究 |
卷 期 | 43:1 2013.03[民102.03] |
頁 次 | 頁89-148 |
專 輯 | 「氣候變遷與歐美政策回應」專題 |
分類號 | 445.9 |
關鍵詞 | 聯合國氣候變遷框架公約; 締約方會議; 哥本哈根會議; 全球治理; UNFCCC; Conference of Parties; Copenhagen Conference; COP15; Global governance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近三十年來氣候變遷對人類環境的影響至鉅,且愈來愈明顯。全球治理也是大勢所趨,無法規避的課題。1994年《聯合國氣候變遷框架公約》的制定即在為要求本公約各締約方,共同承認此一地球氣候的變化因而影響人類生活的危機,同時謀求解決人類活動大幅增加大氣中溫室氣體的濃度,致而增強自然溫室效應的影響。本文以公約第7條有關「締約方會議」的機制,來觀察氣候變遷相關法規的制定、政策的擬定、規則的研究、執行的細則等掌理氣候政策的制定與執行的機構。同時以2009年在哥本哈根舉行的第十五次締約方會議做個案觀察,分析氣候政策的全球治理模式,以及其面臨決策機制的衝擊,並提出解決的對策。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to analyze the “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,” hereafter referred to as UNFCCC). Particular attention is paid to the organizational structure and operational mechanism of the “Conference of Parties, COP” under Article 7 of the UNFCCC. In the 16 years between 1995 and 2010, the COP failed to carry out aims related to the ob-jectives, principles, commitments and financial mechanisms of the UNFCCC, which are required to measure achievements regarding greater energy efficiency, and to control greenhouse gas emissions. The performance of operating mechanism for governing climate change under the UNFCCC represents a “governance failure.” Using the case study of the Copenhagen Conference (COP15) deci-sion-making mechanism, this study attempts to explore relevant questions regarding why well-established COPs, supported by the public sector, private sector and the third sector of the world as a whole, is failing to play a constructive role in policy planning and implementation. This study considers the design of the COP with a view to enhancing its governance capacity. |