題 名 | 主權國家於全球氣候治理的角色分析=Role of Sovereign State in Global Climate Governance |
作 者 | 楊惟任; | 書刊名 | 全球政治評論 |
卷 期 | 49 2015.01[民104.01] |
頁 次 | 頁83-106 |
分類號 | 445.9 |
關鍵詞 | 氣候變遷; 氣候治理; 全球治理; 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約; 京都議定書; Climate change; Climate governance; Global governance; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; UNFCCC; Kyoto Protocol; KP; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著極端氣候的威脅越來越劇烈,透過國際合作減緩全球暖化遂成為各國的共識。為了解決全球氣候問題,各國先後簽署《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》和《京都議定書》,試圖建立一套有效治理的國際氣候制度,但全球溫室氣體排放量仍然持續增加。從全球治理的概念而言,解決全球氣候問題的工作應納入各類國際行為主體,但本文發現,國家行為主體在全球氣候治理佔有最重要的地位,特別是大國之間的政治博奕決定了國際氣候合作的發展與結果。除非主要的排放大國願意負起減排責任,共同建立一套有效治理的國際氣候制度,並且採取實際行動落實規定,否則全球氣候問題將難以真正解決。 |
英文摘要 | With the increasing severe impact of climate change on human lives, international cooperation becomes a consensus between states in order to solve the problem of global warming. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Kyoto Protocol (KP) were signed subsequently in 1992 and 1997, aimed at reducing the GHG emissions. Besides, numerous non-state actors emerge in the climate governance arena, contributing the establishment of global governing network of climate change. However, state actors still play significant roles in the global climate governance according to this research. Political game-playing between major powers decide the process and outcome of climate governance. An effective governance system cannot be founded unless major powers are willing to take the responsibility of emission-reducing. But, this is necessary for a successful global governance of climate change. |