- 102年度市售塑膠奶瓶衛生安全之監測
- 101年度市售食品器具容器包裝衛生安全之監測
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- 食品器具容器包裝中內分泌干擾物質雙酚A之溶出量調查
題 名 | 102年度市售塑膠奶瓶衛生安全之監測=Monitoring of Hygienic Safety of Marketed Plastic Feeding Bottles during 2013 |
作 者 | 徐澤忠; 溫筱宛; 張惠娟; 林冠宇; 林蘭砡; 鄭維智; 徐惠民; |
書刊名 | 食品藥物研究年報 |
卷 期 | 5 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁365-371 |
分類號 | 412.3 |
關鍵詞 | 食品器具容器包裝; 奶瓶; 鄰苯二甲酸酯類; 雙酚A; 材質試驗; 溶出試驗; Food utensils; Containers and packages; Plastic feeding bottles; Phthalates; Bisphenol A; Material test; Migration test; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為了瞭解目前市面上販售之塑膠製嬰幼兒奶瓶中是否含有鄰苯二甲酸酯類塑化 劑、雙酚A和重金屬鉛、鎘等相關有害物質,及商品是否依法規進行標示等。本研 究以網路平台與實體店鋪販售之塑膠製嬰幼兒奶瓶為抽樣對象,100件樣本購自各大 賣場、連鎖藥局及網路平台之線上購物及網路商城等,依照衛生福利部食品藥物管 理署公告之食品器具容器包裝檢驗方法進行材質鑑別及衛生標準試驗,並依據公告 檢查標示之完整性。首先,樣本經材質鑑別後,材質之標示均與鑑別結果相符;但 完整標示材質名稱與耐熱溫度者僅29件,完全未標示者有48件,僅標示材質者有23 件。依據101年9月21日衛生福利部公告之「食品器具容器包裝衛生標準」之規定進 行檢驗後,各材質中僅PC奶瓶1件不符合衛生標準,驗出塑化劑BBP。綜合上述結 果,建議民眾應避免使用來路不明或標示不清之塑膠奶瓶,地方衛生主管機關應加 強不定期查核塑膠奶瓶之標示內容,督導違法之業者促其改善,以維護國內嬰幼兒 健康及消費者權益。 |
英文摘要 | In order to understand whether the plastic infant-feeding bottles traded in the market contain phthalate plasticizers, bisphenol A, heavy metals (e.g. lead, cadmium) and other harmful substances, and to examine whether the labeling of those products were consistent to regulations, this study collected plastic infant-feeding bottle samples from supermarkets, chain pharmacies, and online shopping mall on the internet platform, etc. According to the test methods of food utensils, containers and packaging proclaimed by the Department of Health of Executive Yuan, material identification, labeling inspection, and hygiene standards tests were done on the basis of “Sanitation Standard for Food Utensils, Containers and Packages” proclaimed by Ministry of Health and Welfare of Executive Yuan on 2012, Sep. 21.In the 100 commercially available plastic infant-feeding bottle samples, identified materials of samples were consistent with their labels; however, only 29 percent of the samples were soundly labeled, with a failure rate 71%. There were 48 samples which were unlabeled, while other 23 samples were only labeled with materials. Only one PC feeding bottle was found to contain plasticizer BBP, which violated the hygiene standard. Based on the results, people are recommended to avoid using unsolicited or poorly-labeled plastic feeding bottles. In addition, health authorities should strengthen the inspection on labeling of plastic feeding bottles, steering the illegal businesses to amendment, in order to guard health and rights of consumers. |