題 名 | 非農藥資材防治蓮霧果實病害之效果=Effect of Non-chemical Materials on Control of Fruit Diseases of Wax Apple |
作 者 | 蔡依真; | 書刊名 | 花蓮區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 32 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁43-51 |
分類號 | 435.39 |
關鍵詞 | 蓮霧; 果腐病; 炭疽病; 枯草桿菌; 亞磷酸; 非農藥防治; Wax apple; Pestalotiopsis fruit rot; Anthracnose; Bacillus subtilis; Phosphorous acid; Non-chemical measures; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究為探討施用非農藥防治資材對蓮霧果實病害之防病效果,於2011 年開始在田間測試木黴菌 800 倍、枯草桿菌1,000 倍、亞磷酸1,000 倍等對蓮霧果實病害之防治率,結果顯示以枯草桿菌處理之 效果最佳,兩批採收果之平均防治率為67.2%,與農藥處理組之63%相近。翌年,則將枯草桿菌與亞磷 酸混合噴施,採收時調查結果顯示混施處理較單獨施用枯草桿菌製劑者顯著降低果實罹病率。最後,進 一步探討枯草桿菌與亞磷酸對蓮霧果腐病及炭疽病各別發病之影響,顯示枯草桿菌可有效抑制果腐病, 但對炭疽病效果不彰,而亞磷酸則對兩種病害皆無顯著防治效果。綜合三年田間試驗,於蓮霧開花盛期 即開始連續噴施枯草桿菌1,000 倍,可有效防治果腐病,若與亞磷酸混合施用則能提升其防病成效,未 來可推薦予農民使用。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of non-chemical control on fruit disease of wax apple. In 2011, we tested 800-fold dilution of Trichoderma sp., 1000-fold dilution of Bacillus subtilis, and phosphorous acid(1 g/l)in field trials. Among tested non-chemical materials, the application of 1000-fold dilution of B. subtilis showed best efficacy to reduce fruit decay. The data indicated that the average control rate was 67.2%, and similar with 63.0% of the fungicide-treated group. The following year, we tanked-mix and sprayed phosphorous acid with B. subtilis. And the finding suggested that the mixed treatment significantly reduce disease incidence and severity, compared with the separate formulation of B. subtilis. In order to clarify the effects of B. subtilis and phosphorous acid on Pestalotiopsis fruit rot and anthracnose incidence respectively, a further investigation was conducted. The results revealed that B. subtilis can inhibit fruit rot occur, but ineffective against anthracnose of wax apple. Phosphorous acid (1 g/l) was not effective against the above diseases. In summary, sequentially spraying with B. subtilis during blossom stage of wax apple can effectively prevent fruit rot. Additionally, this study also shows that mixed spraying with phosphorous acid can improve the effectiveness of disease prevention. All the effective applications will be promoted to farmers in future. |