題 名 | 處理非農藥防治資材對有機栽培草莓苗生育之影響=Effect of Non-pesticide Control Materials on the Growth of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) Seedlings in Organic Fields |
作 者 | 張雅玲; 朱盛祺; 王仁助; | 書刊名 | 台灣農學會報 |
卷 期 | 15:1 2014.03[民103.03] |
頁 次 | 頁39-53 |
分類號 | 435.365 |
關鍵詞 | 走蔓; 生物製劑; 亞磷酸; 植物油混方; 木黴菌; 枯草桿菌; Runner; Bio-agent; Phosphorous acid; Mixing plant oil; Trichoderma harzianum; Bacillus subtilis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以馴化後之草莓桃園1號組織培養苗作為試驗材料,種植期間施用亞磷酸、植物油混方及生物製劑等非農藥防治資材,探討其對於草莓炭疽病發生率、植株生長、總走蔓數及果實品質之影響。以不同非農藥防治資材處理後均可有效抑制育苗期草莓炭疽病的發生,其中亞磷酸及200倍枯草桿菌處理組,於10月份之炭疽病罹病度可降至3%,且處理200倍及500倍枯草桿菌者可提高總走蔓數。此外,枯草桿菌及木黴菌處理組可顯著增加果實重量6.7至28%。以200倍枯草桿菌處理後,果實之可溶性固形物含量為7.6 °Brix,且具有較低的可滴定酸度0.79 g/dL及最高的糖酸比9.8。綜合結果得知,處理非農藥防治資材有助於防治炭疽病,並促進草莓的生長及提高果實的品質。本研究成果可提供未來草莓以有機栽培方式育苗時之參考。 |
英文摘要 | This study examined the effect of non-pesticide control materials on the incidence of anthracnose, plant growth, the number of runners and fruit quality in Taoyuan no. 1 during the growth period. The results indicated non-pesticide materials showed good efficacy in controlling strawberry anthracnose during the nursery period. The phosphorous acid and 200X dilution of Bacillus subtilis could reduce the anthracnose incidence by 3% during October. Moreover, the 200X dilution and 500X dilution of B. subtilis could increase the number of strawberry runners. In this study, the B. subtilis and Trichoderma harzianum could significantly increase fruit weight from 6.7% to 28%. On the other hand, strawberries treated with 200X dilution of B. subtilis showed 7.6 °Brix of soluble solid in the fruit with lower titratable acidity (0.79 g/dL) and the highest total soluble solid/titratable acidity 9.8. According to the results, these non-pesticide control materials not only decrease the anthracnose incidence, but also improve the growth and fruit quality of strawberries. This study is therefore an important reference for the cultivation the strawberries in organic fields in the future. |