題 名 | 果菜渣堆肥製作技術之研究=Research on the Composting of Fruit and Vegetable Waste |
作 者 | 蔡宜峰; 陳俊位; | 書刊名 | 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 122 2014.03[民103.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1-9 |
分類號 | 434.231 |
關鍵詞 | 果菜渣; 木黴菌; 枯草桿菌; 堆肥化; Fruit and vegetable waste; Trichoderma sp.; Bacillus sp.; Composting; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的為探討利用果菜渣、菇類栽培後舊木屑等有機副產物製作堆肥之相關技術,以做為日後相關有機副產物再生資源化的支援技術。堆肥材料以經過破碎的果菜渣 1,200 kg及菇類栽培後舊木屑 800 kg為主,試驗處理包括 (A)無接種; (B)接種木黴菌 (Trichoderma sp.)分離菌株(TCT10166);(C)木黴菌(Trichoderma sp.)分離菌株(TCT10166)及枯草桿菌 (Bacillus sp.)分離菌株(TCB10007)等三種。由試驗結果顯示,有接種微生物處理的果菜渣堆肥溫度在堆積第 10日內達到 60℃以上高溫,堆積第 50日內可降低至 50℃以下,此時堆肥材料C/N約為17.5~18.2;無接種微生物處理果菜渣堆肥溫度則須在堆積第 10~20日才能達到 60℃以上,且在堆積第 50~60日期間,堆肥溫度才能夠降低至 50℃以下。堆積第60日果菜渣堆肥之 pH值、EC值、有機態碳、氮、磷、鉀、鈣及鎂等含量在不同處理間差異不顯著,各處理堆肥材料 C/N約為16.5~19.6。經利用堆肥水萃取液 (堆肥與水體積比1:10)進行分析,各處理之青江菜種子發芽率約為 81.3~88.1%,顯然上述處理之果菜渣堆肥已達到穩定腐熟的階段。 |
英文摘要 | The objective of this experiment is to develop an efficient way in the composting process of organic residues, such as fruity and vegetable waste and sawdust of mushroom waste. The main raw materials were fruity and vegetable waste 1,000 kg and sawdust 800 kg for each treatment in the experiment. Three treatments were with (A) blank, (B) inoculated isolates TCT 10166 (Trichoderma sp.), C) inoculated isolates TCT 10166 and TCB 10007 (Bacillus sp.). The results indicated that the core temperature of composts pile rose up to 60℃ at day 10 and down to 50℃ at day 50 in both inoculation treatments. At day 50, the C/N ratios of those fruit-vegetable waste composts were reduced to 17.5-18.2. Without inoculation, the temperature of compost rose to 60℃ at day 10-20 and lowered to 50℃ at day 50-60 during composting. Major measures of pH, EC, content of organic, mineral elements of N, P, K, Ca and Mg, were not significantly among treatments at day 60 since piling. At the same time, the C/N ratios of those fruity vegetable waste composts were reduced down to 16.5-19.6. The germination rate of Pak-choi (Brassica campestris L. Chinensis Group) were 81.3-88.1% in germination test using water extracted solution from those fruit and vegetable waste composts (compost/water with 1:10 by volume ratio). Therefore, those fruity and vegetable waste composts were closed to stable in the composting process. |