- 從美國頁岩氣試剖析對全球產業的影響
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- 塑膠原料製造業--ABS樹脂(丙烯腈、丁二烯、苯乙烯共聚物)
題 名 | 從美國頁岩氣試剖析對全球產業的影響=World's Energy Structure is Changing by U.S. Shale Gas |
作 者 | 蕭慕俊; 翁榮南; 邱垂昱; | 書刊名 | 石油季刊 |
卷 期 | 50:3 2014.09[民103.09] |
頁 次 | 頁91-115 |
分類號 | 457.1 |
關鍵詞 | 頁岩氣; 伴生氣; 非伴生氣; 煤層氣; 美國能源資訊管理局; 先進資源國際公司; 乙烯; 丙烯; 石油腦; 液化天然氣; 百萬英制熱單位; 布蘭特原油; 西德州原油; 亨利港天然氣現貨和期貨交易中心; 石油淨進口; 石油輸出國組織; Shale gas; Associated gas; Non-associated gas; CBM; Coal Bed Methane; Tight-sands gas; EIA; Energy Information Administration; ARI; Advanced Resources International; Ethylene; Propene; Naphtha; LNG; Liquefied natural gas; BTU; British thermal unit; Brent; Brent blend; WTI; West Texas intermediate; Henry Hub Natural Gas; Net oil import; OPEC; Organization of the Pretroleum Exporting Countries; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 美國在頁岩氣開發技術取得突破後,頁岩氣的產量即迅速增加。頁岩氣的大量生產不僅影響天然氣價格,連帶也改變石化產業中乙烯產品的成本結構,未來數年內,對於以石油腦為原料來生產乙烯的廠商將面臨美國低價乙烯產品的強烈競爭。頁岩氣不僅對北美地區的天然氣市場帶來一場變革,也逐步改變全球能源產業的使用習性,影響相關產業的板塊動向,帶給美國石油石化產業重大變革與世界整體經濟動向重大影響,已成為全球性競爭力消長的重要因素之一。 |
英文摘要 | According to the development of technically recoverable shale gas resources, shale gas rose from less than 1% of domestic gas production in the United States in 2000 to over 25% by 2013. The surge in gas production has pushed gas prices in the United States down since 2009, while oil prices have doubled since then.The low price for gas as a fuel is already helping a comeback in U.S. industry. But that makes it even more a boon for the petrochemical industry, where gas is a core raw material for producing plastics and other basic industrial products that petrochemical plants value more: butane, propane and especially ethane.Petrochemical industry in the U.S. in trouble just a few years ago, is making a spectacular comeback thanks to the boom in shale gas with low domestic price, shaking up the industry worldwide and spreading some discomfort through Asia and Europe even the world, with the consequent cut in the US trade deficit transforming.In the U.S., energy self-sufficiency has increased in importance, making the continuation of the "shale gas revolution" there more likely. "Shale Gas" downward pressure on gas and oil prices across the globe. It will have a radical impact on the global economy and the U.S. petrochemical industry, not just a revolution of natural gas in the North American.According to the development of technically recoverable shale gas resources, shale gas rose from less than 1% of domestic gas production in the United States in 2000 to over 25% by 2013. The surge in gas production has pushed gas prices in the United States down since 2009, while oil prices have doubled since then. The low price for gas as a fuel is already helping a comeback in U.S. industry. But that makes it even more a boon for the petrochemical industry, where gas is a core raw material for producing plastics and other basic industrial products that petrochemical plants value more: butane, propane and especially ethane. Petrochemical industry in the U.S. in trouble just a few years ago, is making a spectacular comeback thanks to the boom in shale gas with low domestic price, shaking up the industry worldwide and spreading some discomfort through Asia and Europe even the world, with the consequent cut in the US trade deficit transforming. In the U.S., energy self-sufficiency has increased in importance, making the continuation of the "shale gas revolution" there more likely. "Shale Gas" downward pressure on gas and oil prices across the globe. It will have a radical impact on the global economy and the U.S. petrochemical industry, not just a revolution of natural gas in the North American. |