題 名 | 臺中市北屯區防災地圖之製作與應用=Delineation and Application of Disaster Prevention Map:A Case Study of Beitun Dist. Taichung City |
作 者 | 羅德忠; 何世華; | 書刊名 | 水土保持學報 |
卷 期 | 45:3 2013.09[民102.09] |
頁 次 | 頁753-768 |
分類號 | 440.98 |
關鍵詞 | 防災地圖; 防災教育; GIS; Disaster-prevention map; Disaster-prevention education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣地處歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊之擠壓帶上,板塊運動致使台灣地質破碎且多斷 層;另因位於西太平洋季風氣候區,亦常遭受颱風、豪雨等天然災害侵襲,為此政府繪製不同 種類的防災地圖,執行災害防救作業。本研究以台中市北屯區為模擬區域,利用地理資訊系統 (GIS)製作防災地圖,另與傳統防災地圖進行比較,以防災地圖之實用性、避難路徑之規劃、避 難處所適宜性分析、以及防災教育之訓練等事項主軸加以探討,檢討其優缺點和適宜性,提出 防災地圖之具體改進建議。本研究所建置之防災地圖具即時掌握區域災害特性、災害潛勢及災 害弱勢族群等資訊,有助於強化防救災能力。 |
英文摘要 | Taiwan is an island located at the junction of the Eurasia Plate and the Philippine Sea plate, which causes the geology fragility and multi-faults due to plate collision. In addition, Taiwan also encounters several debris and flooding disasters during typhoon seasons annually. To deal with this situation, the government formulates several kinds of disaster prevention maps and implements necessary response. The purposes of this study are to delineate the disaster prevention map by GIS (Geographic Information System) and to compare with the existing one for discussing the advantage and feasibility. Several items such as the disaster prevention map of practicality, planning the escape routes, feasibility analysis of the disaster prevention refuge, and the training and education of disaster prevention are mainly discussed. The concrete results for improving the information of the map are also suggested. The disaster prevention map developed in this study with the characteristics ofmanipulating disaster information instantly, which is helpful to strengthen the disaster prevention ability. |