- 臺灣的地震與防災教育
- Deformation of the Philippine Sea Plate Under the Coastal Range, Taiwan: Results from an Offshore-Onshore Seismic Experiment
- Velocity Structure Beneath the Eastern Offshore Region of Southern Taiwan Based on OBS Data
- Velocities of Pn-Waves in the Taiwan Strait and its Surrounding Area from Regional Earthquakes
- Can Great Earthquakes Occur in the Southernmost Ryukyu Arc-Taiwan Region?
- 以區域強震網從事地震速報之研究--花蓮子網
- Illustrating 100 Years of Taiwan Seismicity
- Seismotectonics and Identification of Potential Seismic Source Zones in Taiwan
- 臺灣的觀測地震學在研究地核構造所扮演的角色
- Active Tectonics of Taiwan Orogeny fonm Focal Mechanisms of Small-to-Moderate-Sized Earthquakes