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題 名 | 彰化偏鄉地區學齡前幼童發展性協調障礙共病語言發展遲緩之調查=The Ratio and Correction Survey of Preschool Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and Language Development Delay in Changhua County |
作 者 | 吳鑑倫; 鄭卜元; 林蕙甄; 洪藝純; 曹玉囷; 陳君豪; | 書刊名 | 秀傳醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 12:1/2 2013.06[民102.06] |
頁 次 | 頁19-25 |
分類號 | 415.847 |
關鍵詞 | 發展性協調障礙; 語言發展遲緩; 構音異常; 篩檢; Developmental coordination disorder; Language developmental delay; Articulation disorder; Screening; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由文獻回顧顯示,發展性協調障礙(Developmental coordination disorder, DCD)在美國5-12歲兒童盛行率5-15%,語言方面的問題盛行率2-10%,有語言問題同時又伴隨運動障礙約佔語言障礙之40-70%,顯見在語言障礙中合併有發展性協調障礙者的比例不小,六歲前語言發展遲滯所造成的語言障礙稱為語言發展遲緩(Language Development Delay, LDD)。本研究主要目的在於瞭解學前發展性協調障礙的比例與疑似語言遲緩的相關性,供作臨床者在評估時的參酌方向。研究方法為方便取樣侷限於彰化偏鄉,測量工具在發展性協調障礙採用兒童動作評量來篩檢;疑似語言遲緩使用台北市學前兒童發展檢核表作檢測,構音施測國語構音測驗。由五位治療師到彰化偏鄉的園所施測,完成施測人數男童240人、女童205人。研究的結果顯示,發展性協調障礙比例為7.6%,疑似語言發展遲緩的比例為20.4%,疑似構音異常為23.1%。在發展性協調障礙的群體中有疑似語言發展遲緩者佔29.4%,若加上疑似構音異常比例高達44.1%。由此可見發展性協調障礙者其語言發展遲緩及構音異常的比例也會相對的提高。發展性協調障礙與疑似語言理解發展遲緩有中度相關性(r=.54),而與疑似構音異常則未達顯著。評估發展性協調障礙時,同時也需要瞭解其語言發展情形。 |
英文摘要 | In the literature review, the prevalences of developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and language developmental delay (LDD) among 5-12 years old children in America were 5-15% and 2-10% respectively. A total of 40-70% children with language problems experience motor disorder simultaneously. Several language disorder and developmental coordination disorders coexist. Language disorders resulting from delayed development before the age of 6 are all termed language development delay. The purpose of this study is to understand the prevalence and relation of DCD and LDD in pre-school children. The study method was convenience sampling in the countryside of Changhua County. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Movement ABC) was used as the study tool for DCD. We screened for LDD using the Taipei City Developmental Screening Checklist for Preschoolers, version 2 (Taipei II), and surveyed articulation disorder with The Chinese Mandarin Articulation Test. These were done by five therapists at kindergartens in Changhua County. A total of 240 boys and 205 girls completed these assessments. Among the 445 children, 7.6% had suspected DCD, 20.4% had suspected LDD, and 23.1% had articulation disorder. Comorbidity of suspected LDD in the DCD group was 29.4%, and it increased to 44% when articulation disorder was included. DCD was moderately related to LDD and articulation disorder(r=.54). While evaluating children with DCD, language developmental status should be assessed at the same time. |