- 提升學生利用疏伐木與鋼鐵進行空間建築結構設計與實務表現
- 利用疏伐木開發具臺大實驗林特色之木製紀念品(1)--相框、文具組及面紙盒
- 利用疏伐木竹材開發具臺大實驗林特色之木製紀念品(2)--茶盤、盤架及調味罐
- 氧氣指數評估耐燃處理材之效果
- 混合型耐燃劑之抑焰性與耐燃性效應
- 由植被生態角度初論林木枯死現象
- 柳杉、杉木及臺灣杉造林木之單板層積板供地板材料使用可行性探討(1):單板層積板之吸濕性,熱傳導性與磨損性
- 臺灣主要經濟樹種材質之基礎研究(10):臺灣杉、杉木及柳杉之吸濕性之變異性
- 臺灣主要經濟樹種材質之基礎研究(6):臺灣杉、杉木及柳杉之誘電率、誘電體力率及電阻係數之變異性
- 臺灣杉、杉木、柳杉單株內木材強度變異性
題 名 | 提升學生利用疏伐木與鋼鐵進行空間建築結構設計與實務表現=Enhancing Students' Design with Fabrication of Thinned Wood and Steel of Structural and Architectural Space Renovation |
作 者 | 莊閔傑; 楊賜霖; 黃啟耀; 卡艾瑋; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 |
卷 期 | 26:4=278 2012.12[民101.12] |
頁 次 | 頁261-274 |
分類號 | 441.3 |
關鍵詞 | 疏伐木; 臺灣杉; 柳杉; 杉木; 臺灣櫸; 結構設計; Thinned wood; Taiwania cryptomerioides; Cryptomeria japonica; Cunninghania lanceolata; Zelkova formosana; Construction design; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 一般而言,具工程專業的學生不易規劃出實際可行的設計,並非歸因於學生缺乏創意,主要係因學生較缺乏實務經驗或建造過程的經驗。為驗證此假說,本研究即以「學生空間規劃」為發展主題,內容並包含由粗略的結構設計到結構開發及完成建築組件的細部模型,利用一星期的實習時間,由18位臺灣大學大土木工程系學生分成六組,並參與具備相關專業人員,於臺大實驗林木材利用實習工廠內進行木作及鐵材加工設計與實作。實務期間,除了認識臺灣疏伐木多元開發的現況之外,更讓學生利用臺灣杉、柳杉、杉木及臺灣櫸做為材料,學習如何選擇木材、進行刨削、鋸切、接合及塗裝等木作加工製程,並完成所設計的木構模型;於鋼構加工部分,則主要由專業人員依學生想法協助完成各鋼材構件模型。於實務訓練完成後,六組學生均完成各1:1設計局部模型,其完成的模型品質及實物推展之可行性均明顯地優於學生僅於實驗室內所製作的設計模型。由此可知,學生於實務操作期間,除了可了解各種疏伐木加工性質及特性外,並學習到如何與現場專業人員討論及溝通各設計模型於結構運用上的思維及技巧,此實務發展過程,亦將更有助於學生於未來進行結構設計能力的提升。 |
英文摘要 | In general, engineering students are creative but rarely produce feasible designs because they have little experience on professional fabrication and construction processes. Therefore authors organized a week-long, intense design-to-fabrication course at an active wood working facility: the Wood Utilization and Practice Factory of Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University in Shueili township. Eighteen civil engineering students with design experience participated in the course, supported by professional wood and metal workers using thinned wood, including Taiwania cryptomerioides, Cryptomeria japonica, Cunninghania lanceolata and Zelkova formosana four species, in Taiwan as the developing material. Starting from a student space renovation project, these students were tasked to develop a detailed prototype of structural and architectural components. Working in groups of six, students drafted design sketches which they could immediately discuss with experienced fabricators. They then transformed their design into a full scale prototype, learning hands on as they worked the necessary steps, from wood selection to wood planning, cutting, joining, and coating. Most wood working steps were handled by the students, under the guidance and supervised by professionals and most metal works were handled by blacksmiths following the students' design instructions. By the end of the course, six groups succeeded produce prototypes of good to very good quality, clearly superior to designs produced earlier by the same students with access to a model-making lab, but without access to a real fabrication environment. Immersion in a rich fabrication environment with professionals available with students on their projects appears to be a powerful way for students to raise their design ability to a higher level. |