- 利用疏伐木竹材開發具臺大實驗林特色之木製紀念品(2)--茶盤、盤架及調味罐
- 利用疏伐木開發具臺大實驗林特色之木製紀念品(1)--相框、文具組及面紙盒
- 提升學生利用疏伐木與鋼鐵進行空間建築結構設計與實務表現
- 氧氣指數評估耐燃處理材之效果
- 混合型耐燃劑之抑焰性與耐燃性效應
- 溪頭地區七種林相之地被物與土壤物理化學性質調查
- 由植被生態角度初論林木枯死現象
- 柳杉、杉木及臺灣杉造林木之單板層積板供地板材料使用可行性探討(1):單板層積板之吸濕性,熱傳導性與磨損性
- 臺灣主要經濟樹種材質之基礎研究(10):臺灣杉、杉木及柳杉之吸濕性之變異性
- 臺灣主要經濟樹種材質之基礎研究(6):臺灣杉、杉木及柳杉之誘電率、誘電體力率及電阻係數之變異性
題 名 | 利用疏伐木竹材開發具臺大實驗林特色之木製紀念品(2)--茶盤、盤架及調味罐=Using Thinned Logs and Bamboo Materials to Develop Wood Souvenirs with the Characteristics of Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University (2)--Tea Boards, Dish Shelves and Casters |
作 者 | 李佳如; 莊閔傑; 莊玉慧; 蔡明哲; 王亞男; 陳啟雄; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 |
卷 期 | 25:3=273 2011.09[民100.09] |
頁 次 | 頁201-213 |
分類號 | 436.52 |
關鍵詞 | 疏伐木; 臺灣杉; 柳杉; 杉木; 孟宗竹; Thinned logs; Taiwania cryptomerioides; Cryptomeria japonica; Cunnignhamia lancelata; Phyllostachys pubescens; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究利用國產疏伐木及孟宗竹開發具臺大實驗林特色之三類家用器具,結果顯示:將銀杏葉、溪頭竹廬及大學橋造形融入茶盤、盤架及調味罐中除了兼具實用功能之外,亦充分呈現出細緻的視覺效果;利用經過竹青保綠處理後的孟宗竹做為材料,並結合自然線條而開發出具林木種子外形的調味罐;又利用臺灣杉及杉木做為「品味」調味罐材料,並結合竹廬的特色並以結構設計方式保留於中,均可呈現出非常具有特色的產品。本研究結果顯示若利用臺大實驗林轄區內的臺灣杉、柳杉及杉木等疏伐木及孟宗竹做為製品的主體材料,並結合臺大實驗林轄區內具代表性之景物將可開發出更具意義的家用器具,此成果不僅提供人們對於疏伐木、中小徑木及孟宗竹材利用之參考,亦可達到森林經營及示範推廣之目的。 |
英文摘要 | In this study, authors use thinned logs and bamboo materials to develop three types of household utensils with characteristics of Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University (EFNTU). Three types of final products, tea boards, dish shelves and casters, with patterns of Ginkgo leaves, Xitou Bamboo Cottage and University Bridge provide not only practical functions but also detailed visual presentation. The seedling shape caster is made from Phyllostachys pubescens (Moso bamboo) with green-color protection treatment. Shape and structure of Xitou Bamboo Cottage are the inspiration the "Taste" casters which is made of Taiwania cryptomerioides and Cunnignhamia lancelata. The thinned logs in EFNTU, e.g. Taiwaniacry ptomerioides, Cryptomeria japonica and Cunnignhamia lancelata, and the Phyllostachys pubescens could be major material for household utensil. Additionally the monumental products could be further developed if their design incorporates with local characteristics. These products not only provide people with ideas of utilization of thinned log, medium-small diameter wood and Moso bamboo, but also promote forest management and demonstration. |