- 氧氣指數評估耐燃處理材之效果
- 混合型耐燃劑之抑焰性與耐燃性效應
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- 臺灣主要經濟樹種材質之基礎研究(6):臺灣杉、杉木及柳杉之誘電率、誘電體力率及電阻係數之變異性
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- 臺灣主要經濟樹材之膠合變異性 (3):柳杉、杉木及臺灣杉
- 臺灣杉、杉木及柳杉木材細胞超微構造變異性之研究
- 臺灣主要經濟樹種材質之基礎研究(4):臺灣杉、杉木及柳杉之比重、收縮率、纖維飽和點之變異性
題 名 | 氧氣指數評估耐燃處理材之效果=Oxygen Index Evaluation on Fire-resistance Effects of Treated Wood |
作 者 | 林曉洪; 王秀華; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 18:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁195-202 |
分類號 | 440.23 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣杉; 杉木; 柳杉; 阻燃劑; 吸收量; 氧氣指數; 抑焰性改善效應; Taiwan; Chian fir; Japanese cedar; Fire retardant; Retention; Oxygen index; Improving efficiency of flame inhibition; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為了解常用無機鹽阻燃劑之抑焰效果,將三種濃度(10、15、20%)之十一種藥劑 浸清處理臺灣杉、杉木、柳杉之造林木材,藉氧氣指數儀測定處理材及未處理材之氧氣指數 值,分析處理材之抑焰性改善效應,以評估十一種藥劑之抑焰效果。三種造林木未處理材之 氧氣指數值介於 20.2-20.8 之間,差異不顯著,同屬可燃性材料。 臺灣杉、杉木和柳杉處 理材之抑焰性改善效應分別為 0.42-1.56 % (kg/m �� ) �笐薄F0.35-1.65 % (kg/m �� ) �笐薄F0.21-1.35 % (kg/m �� ) �笐薄C藥劑吸收量隨處理濃度而增加,氧氣指數值亦然。 各種藥劑中以磷酸銨鹽類 (單磷酸銨,磷酸氫二銨,聚磷酸銨 ) 效果最佳, 杉木及臺灣杉 試材抑焰性改善效應比柳杉者大。 |
英文摘要 | Three plantation softwoods (Taiwania cryptomerioides, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Cryptomeria japonica) were treated with eleven fire retardants at three concentrations (10, 15 and 20%) to evaluate the effectiveness of these commonly used reagents. The oxygen indices of treated and untreated specimens were obtained by using the standard method of "CNS 13590"(or JIS K 7201) to analyze the improving efficiency of flame inhibition of the treated wood. The oxygen indices of the three untreated materials were 20.2、 20.4 and 20.8 for China fir, Japanese cedar and Taiwania respectively. The calculated flame inhibition improving efficiency of the tree aforementioned species from the eleven fire retardatns were 0.35-1.65% (kg/m �� ) �笐�,0.21-1.35%(kg /m �� ) �� �� and 0.42-1.56%(kg/m �� ) �笐�. Chemical retention and accordingly the oxygen indices increases with increasing treatment concentration. Among the tested chemicals, ammonium phosphates provided the highest improving efficiency. The effect of treatment on China fir and Taiwania was more prominent than that of Japanese cedar. |