題 名 | 論朱子詮釋〈國風〉怨刺詩之教化意涵=Discussion on the Educational Purport of Chu-Hsi's Interpretation on Sardonic Poetry in Kuao-Fong |
作 者 | 姜龍翔; | 書刊名 | 臺中教育大學學報. 人文藝術類 |
卷 期 | 28:1 2014.06[民103.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-22 |
分類號 | 093 |
關鍵詞 | 朱熹; 詩集傳; 國風; 詩經; 怨刺詩; Chu-Hsi; Shi-Chi-Zuang; Kuao-Fong; The Book of Songs; Sarcasm poetry; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 朱子對《詩經》重新詮釋,強調導正性情的《詩》教旨趣,因而賦予《詩經》深刻之教化意涵。然由於《詩經》組成性質不同,故詮釋各有其特色。此文則擬對於朱子對〈國風〉怨刺詩之詮釋,分析其中的教化意涵。計可得出兩項結論,第一,朱子詮釋怨刺詩歌特別強調情性之問題,認為〈國風〉之怨刺基本上都秉持怨而不怒的要求,故雖怨猶能得其情性之正。另外,朱子並改造〈詩序〉指實怨刺對象之說法,而特別著重於闡述怨刺之教化內涵,強調怨刺之產生,全繫於君主本身的心性修養問題,故朱子得以在擺脫〈詩序〉之後,進一步將《大學》治道精神融入對〈國風〉怨刺詩的詮釋之中。 |
英文摘要 | The way Chu-Hsi re-annotated on The Book of Songs and emphasized on the purport of temperament correction, had given The Book of Songs the educational purport profoundly. However, since there is composition difference exists in The Book of Songs, how it was annotated reveals different characteristics. This thesis focuses on analyzing the educational purport regarding how Chu-Hsi annotated the sardonic poetry in Kuao-Fong. Two conclusions are derived. First, Chu-Hsi specially stressed the temperament issue when annotating the sardonic poetry and thought that since the sarcasms in Kuao-Fong are mostly confined to complaint with no anger, though it complains, the emotion is still moderate. In addition, Chu-Hsi remodeled the saying of pointing out the person for sarcasm in The Book of Songs into emphasizing the educational purport, stressing that the occurrence of sarcasm is related to temper cultivation of an emperor. Therefore, Chi-Hsi can thus further introduced the moral spirit from Da-Xue into the annotation of sardonic poetry in Kuao-Fong. |