題 名 | 《續修四庫全書總目提要‧經部》「尚書類」中斷句當屬下句而誤屬上句舉例=An Example of Wrongly Categorizing the Sentence Segmentation in the "Shangshu Category" of Amendment of the Table of Contents and Abstracts of Siku Quanshu‧Chapter Jing |
作 者 | 鄭裕基; | 書刊名 | 中華科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 47 2011.04[民100.04] |
頁 次 | 頁237-255 |
分類號 | 018.16、018.16 |
關鍵詞 | 續修四庫全書總目提要; 經部; 尚書; 斷句; 謬誤; The amendment of the table of contents and abstracts of Siku Quanshu; Shi Bian SiKu Chuan Shu Zhon Mu Ti Yao; Chapter Jing; Jing Bu; Parsing; ShangShu; Punctuate; Mistake; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 北京中華書局於1993年出版由「中國科學院圖書館」整理之《續修四庫全書總目提要‧經部》一書,為學界提供較為完善之參考資料,有足多處。其書以臺灣商務印書館《續修四庫全書提要》為基礎,力求美備,以「後出轉精」之姿面世。唯千慮一失之疵,間或不免。本文即其「尚書類」中斷句之當屬下句而誤斷為屬諸上句者,舉二十餘例,以明其疏誤之處,所在多有,而非如其整理者所宣稱「能保證『提要』的質量」者也。然本文之撰寫,非故為吹毛求疵,特願資以彼此切磋琢磨耳。 |
英文摘要 | The Amendment of the Table of Contents and Abstracts of Siku Quanshu‧Chapter Jing, compiled by the National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and published by Zhonghua Book Company in 1993, has provided relatively complete references for the academia. This book is based on Amendment of the Table of Contents published by the Taiwan Commercial Press, and aims to present the most complete references to the readers. However, there are still flaws in the publication. This paper presents over 20 examples of wrongly categorizing the sentence segmentation in the "Shangshu Category", proving that there are still many errors, and the publication does not reflect the statement of "ensuring the quality of the abstracts" made by the compiler. This paper is not intended to be hypercritical, but to exchange more ideas. |