題 名 | 《續修四庫全書總目提要.經部》「尚書類」斷句謬誤舉例=Supplementary General Catalogue of the Complete Texts of the Four Repositories (Shi Bian SiKu Chuan Shu Zhon Mu Ti Yao. Jin Bu) |
作 者 | 鄭裕基; | 書刊名 | 中華技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 35 民95.12 |
頁 次 | 頁23-51 |
分類號 | 082.1 |
關鍵詞 | 續修四庫全書; 提要; 斷句; 謬誤; 尚書; 經學; Supplementary general catalogue of the complete texts of the four repositories; Shi Bian SiKu Chuan Shu Zhon Mu Ti Yao; Jin Bu; Parsing; Shang Shu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 北京中華書局出版由「中國科學院圖書館」整理之《續修四庫全書總目提要‧經部》2冊,為學界提供較為完善之參考資料,有足多處。其書以臺灣商務印書館《續修四庫全書提要》為基礎,力求其完備,頗有「後出轉精」之態,唯千慮一失,間或不免。本文分「訛甲字為乙字」、「訛專稱為通稱」、「訛朝代名為書名或訛水名為朝代名」、「誤解文意」、「忽略時代先後」、「忽略檢核原書」、「忽略引文出處」、「忽略人物字號或所著書名全稱」、「忽略作者行文體例或套用俗語」九目,各舉實例,以明其斷句謬誤之失,非敢吹求疵類,第願資以相互切磋砥礪耳。 |
英文摘要 | Based on Shi Show SiKu Chuan Shu, by Taiwan Commercial Press, Shi Bian SiKu Chuan Shu Zhon Mu Ti Yao-Jin Bu, published by Baijian Zhong Hua Shu Ju and compiled by Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Although, this book deserves credit for offering a more comprehensive reference for Chinese literature scholars, it still makes some inevitable mistakes. The scope of my study is focused on Ti Yao (synopsis) Of Shan Shu, and I list errors founded in the following areas: 1. Misuse of word "A" as word "B" 2. Mistaking proper nouns as common nouns 3. Incorrectly translating the name of a dynasty as the name of a book and also the names of rivers as dynasties 4. Misinterpretation of paragraph meaning 5. Overlooking the history timeline 6. Neglecting to verify with the oriJinal book 7. Disregarding the bibliography 8. Skipping the full name of a person or book 9. Overlooking the writing style and use of proverbs I have illustrated the many mistakes in the nine major categories. The list of mistakes given in my article is not a critique of Shi Bian SiKu Chuan Shu Zhon Mu Ti Yao-Jin Bu, but sharing the various view points with scholars form mainland China. So that we can all learn from each others' research. |