題 名 | 《續修四庫全書總目提要.經部》辨證(2)=An Analytical Study of the Compilation of the Sequel to the Catalog of the Complete Collection of the Four Treasuries (Hsu-hsiu ssu-k'u ch'uan-shu tsung-mu t'i-yao): Section on Classics(Ⅱ) |
作 者 | 陳鴻森; | 書刊名 | 臺大文史哲學報 |
卷 期 | 55 民90.11 |
頁 次 | 頁375-377+379-424 |
分類號 | 082.1 |
關鍵詞 | 續修四庫全書總目提要; 經學; 子夏易傳; 爾雅; 嚴可均; 劉逢祿; 馬國翰; Hsu-hsiu ssu-k'u Ch'uan-shu tsung-mu t'i-yao; Studies of classics; Tzu-hsia's Commentaries to the Yi-ching; Erh-ya; Yen K'o-chun; Liu Feng-lu; Ma Kuo-han; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《續修四庫提要》一書,係繼乾隆間所修《四庫全書總目》之後,又一具總結性之書目要籍,其書蒐集《總目》失載各書,及乾隆以來迄一九三○年代見存舊籍,近三萬三千部,每書各為之提要,剖判條流,挈要鉤玄,考本書之得失,權眾說之異同,博見洽聞,誠足為後學津逮。顧其書出於眾手,又兵亂間倉卒成書,偶有違失,固所不免。本文為作者研讀《續提要》經部所撰考證札記之一部分;茲就孫馮翼、張澍二家所輯《子夏易傳》,馬國翰輯晉代范寧《古文尚書舜典注》、孫綽《論語集解》、綦毋邃《孟子注》,黃奭輯魏王基《毛詩申鄭義》,以及盧文弨《詩考校注》、胡文英《毛詩通議》、張慰祖《榖梁大義述補闕》、劉逢祿《論語述何》、楊守敬《論語事實錄》、嚴可均《爾雅一切注音》、王祖源《爾雅直音》、錢大昭《廣雅疏義》等十四書之提要,其說有可議者,各為辨證商兌,訂訛補闕,俾讀是書者參考之資焉。 |
英文摘要 | Hsu-hsiu ssu-k'u chuan-shu tsung-mu t'i-yso is an annotated catalogue supplementing its predecessor, Ssu-k'u ch'uan-shu tsung-mu t'i-yao, compiled during the Ch'ing-lung period (1736-95). The new catalogue has nearly 33,000 entries, representing some works extent before that period but not included in the previoius catalogue, and many more works found or written after that period up to the 1930s. Each entry appears in the form of an article, presenting an abstract of the work, some biographical data about the author and some comments. Written by specialists in respective fields but completed in haste during the Pacific War, the articles are uneven in quality. Recently, some Chinese and Japanese scholars have begun studying the catalogue, mostly focusing on the history of its compilation. This paper, instead, analyzes fourteen related works on the studies of Classics, critiquing some of the points made by the writers. |