題 名 | 「尚書」中所見的人格天=The Personified Sky in Book of History |
作 者 | 傅世怡; | 書刊名 | 高雄師大學報 |
卷 期 | 10 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁153-173 |
分類號 | 092 |
關鍵詞 | 尚書; 天; 上帝; 至上神; 果報; Book of history; Sky; The almighty spirit; Kama; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 談到因果報應,一般人都會直覺地反應,認為這是受到外來文化───佛教的影 響,其實在佛教尚未東來以前,我民族已有類似果報的觀念。誠如楊聯陛所說的,「在中國 宗教中」有「一個深植的傳統,即是相信自然或神的報應」。(註1)正因為華夏有類似的想 法,佛教的三世果報說才能順利地輸入中土,而為我民族所吸收與融攝。今不揣淺陃,有意 從事這方面的研究。 在我悠久、綿遠的文化長河中,追溯各種思想的萌生,就文獻資料而言,大多始於三代, 而六經實為重要的典籍,惟受時間、精力所限,且先以《尚書》為探索的對象。 佛教的三世果報講的是「業報」,謂造善業會感招相應的樂果,造惡業則會感招相應的 苦果。業果是由業因決定,其間並沒有從外而來,主宰人類命運的裁判者。華夏則不然,往 往認為有一主持公道的超自然神靈,本著揚善懲惡的態度,針對人們行為的好壞給予吉凶禍 福。《尚書》中這一主持公道的裁判者,主要是指至上神───天,也就是上帝,本文就是 從這個角度來探討《尚書》中所見的人格天。 |
英文摘要 | When it comes to the concept of "automatic repayment in later life of whatever one does", everyone almost always, with no hesitation, thought that Chinese had borrowed it from a foreign culture, Buddhism, and adopted it as their own. In fact, long before the coming of Buddhism, Chinese had developed a similar view. Yang Liang-Shen has pointed it out, "In China, there is a deep-rooted tradition, that is , a belief in the repayment by Nature or the almighty Spirit." But for this similarity in Chinese soil, could the Buddhism's past-present-future-repayment not be easily planted and cultivated there. Along the winding flow of Chinese long history as we track back, can we see that most of her thoughts and concepts find their sources in the Three-Dynasties(c.2183-221B.C.). And the Six- Classics, which had been written down during that 2000years, are one of the most important documents in that nature. The writer has long been interested in that subject, and chosen the Book of History, one of the Six-Classics, as an initial step to work on with. The main idea of the "past-present-future Repayment" in Buddhism is karma. In other words, one's happiness calls for good karma, and bad karma results in misery. The fruit one gets comes form the seed of karma he plants. What decides one's density comes from within, not without. While Chinese concept of repayment is somewhat different. They think there is an almighty or supernatural spirit who rights the errors and judges if one have been good or bad and gives him what he deserves. According to the Book of History, the Judge is the sky, or the almighty spirit. This article is going to discuss the personified sky in the Book of History. |