題 名 | 殷卜辭中之至上神 |
作 者 | 張靜環; | 書刊名 | 嘉南學報 |
卷 期 | 24 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁209-221 |
分類號 | 792.2 |
關鍵詞 | 至上神; 帝; 上帝; 天; 支配自然; 人事禍福; 說文解字; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 甲骨文出土至今百年,學者於甲骨文字之考釋與商史,及其制度之研究皆有重大 成就。如殷人對帝(即周之天的概念)的探討,著錄頗多,然不免有掛漏處,本文就前人研 究殷人對上帝之崇拜成果上加以整理並補其不足。 全文於前言論卜辭中的帝即周時天的觀念,甲骨文中「天」字尚不具神祇之意義。次者 ,考釋帝字。前人對帝之初文說法不一,本人證之,當以「束薪」之說為是。再者,敘述帝 之權能。前人於這方面之論敘多有缺漏,本人考殷甲骨文,將帝之權能部份作一完備的整理 。再次,論供帝差遣奔走的佐臣。全文以帝在殷人心中所扮演的角色為研究的重點。又觀《 詩經.商頌》「帝立子生商」及周對天的概念,始發現殷人帝的宗教崇拜背後隱藏著政意識 ,而這主導者正是上帝與人交通的中介者殷王。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to illustrate the responses of the authors' 104 non-English major college students in two-year programs (both day and night school) toward a motivating learning activity based on teachers' self introductions in their first classes. The paper includes the motivations of the study, a description of the 15-20 minutes self-introduction, the method, and an evaluation of the results of the questionnaire given to the students based on the self-introduction. The questionnaire aims to reflect sutdents' responses in terms of their preferences, impressions and attention. Positive responses were found through the questionnaire after implementing the selfintroduction activity. Despite the limitations of this preliminary study, such as its validity and reliability, it is hoped that the findings of this study and the authors' suggestions for successfully conducting this self-introduction activity will help English teachers break the ice with their students and, therefore, develop a highly motivating as will as happy learning environment on the first day of a new class. |