題 名 | 溫泉餐廳消費行為之研究--以行義路溫泉餐廳消費者為例=A Study of Consumers' Behaviors in Hot Spring Resorts for Consumers with Different Lifestyle--A Case of a Resort in Sing Yi Road, Taipei |
作 者 | 陳沛悌; 江羽涵; 裴蕾; 陳甫鼎; | 書刊名 | 休閒事業研究 |
卷 期 | 7:3 2009.09[民98.09] |
頁 次 | 頁63-84 |
分類號 | 496.34 |
關鍵詞 | 溫泉餐廳; 生活型態; 消費者行為; Hot spring resort restaurant; Life style; Consumer behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要的目的是在探討行義路溫泉餐廳的消費者的消費行為,透過生活型態變數進行消費者分群,進行市場區隔,並對各區隔市場中消費者與消費行為特性,加以描述與分析,期能提供業者針對區隔市場進行有效的市場行銷。本研究針對行義路溫泉餐廳的遊客進行調查,探討影響溫泉餐廳消費行為差異之因素,分析個人生活型態以及族群等因素對消費行為之影響。研究方法採問卷調查法,針對行義路溫泉餐飲區的遊客進行施測,並利用描述性統計分析、因素分析、集群分析、單因子變異數分析、卡方分析等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究之研究結果為:一、消費者依生活型態可分為三個集群,包括:居家規律群、流行不簡約群以及社會責任群;二、不同集群在消費行為上的變數,例如平均每人花費、資訊來源、動機等,有顯著差異;三、不同集群的消費者在年齡、學歷、平均月收入等社經背景上有顯著差異;四、不同社經背景的消費者對部分消費行為變項包括平均每人花費、資訊來源、動機有顯著差異。依據研究結果本研究並對溫泉餐廳業者提出經營管理之建議。 |
英文摘要 | The research examines tourists in a hot spring resort restaurant in Sing Yi Road, Taipei, confers factors effect variation of consumer behaviors, and analyzes how individuals' life style can affect consumers' behaviors. Using variables of life style, consumers are divided into categories and markets are separated into segments. In each market segment, characteristics of consumer behaviors and analyzed. Survey Research is adapted is this research. Tourists of the hot spring resort restaurant are examined. Data is analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, one way ANOVA, chi-square analysis and cross reference table. The research indicates the following. 1. Consumers can be divided into normal, fashionable, and society-responsible groups depending on their life style. 2. Each group has significant distinctive consumer behaviors such as average expenditure, information sources, and motivation. 3. Consumers in each group have significant difference on their social economic status such as age, educational background as well as average income. 4. Consumers with different social or economic background have distinctive behaviors such as average expenditure, information source, and motivation. Some advices are given for the hot spring resort restaurant industry. |