- 評劉小楓編《凱若斯:古希臘語文教程(上冊)》連《附錄》(上海市:華東師範大學出版社,2005)
- 談國語文教科書中的「讀寫結合」
- 結合微觀與宏觀的英漢翻譯教學法--兼探討紐馬克《翻譯教程》適用於大學部英漢翻譯教學之程度
- An Evaluation of Material in Real Use: A Case Study of Using Piper
- Understanding the Importance of Collaborative Language Learning Process in Adult ESOL Classes
- An Interviewing Study of College Students' English Learning Strategy Use
- Effects of Introducing Free Reading and Language Acquisition Theory on Students' Attitudes Toward the English Class
- The Social and Psychological Distance of Successful Language Learners in US Colleges
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- 體育教科書的編撰與選用