題 名 | 大學圖書館流通館員因應攻擊性讀者之服務策略研究:從情緒勞務的層面探討=A Study on University Circulation Librarian's Service Strategy to Cope with Aggressive Patron: The Perspective of Emotional Labor |
作 者 | 陳書梅; 陳書梅; | 書刊名 | 教育資料與圖書館學 |
卷 期 | 50:4 2013.夏[民102.夏] |
頁 次 | 頁461-489 |
分類號 | 024.7 |
關鍵詞 | 攻擊型讀者; 服務策略; 情緒勞務; 流通館員; 大學圖書館; Aggressive patron; Service strategy; Emotional labor; Circulation librarian; University library; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 當流通館員遭遇攻擊型讀者時,由於其行為具攻擊性,常令館員窮於應對。然而,為維護圖書館服務品質,館員往往必須付出較多之「情緒勞務」,以壓抑個人生氣、委屈以及受挫等情緒感受,並努力顯露出和悅的服務態度,長期以往可能影響館員之工作效能,並對其身心健康造成負荷。爰此,本研究採取半結構式深度訪談法,從情緒勞務的層面,針對臺灣地區之大學圖書館流通館員進行研究,探討其因應攻擊型讀者之服務策略。研究結果顯示,攻擊型讀者的成因包含圖書館情境與讀者個人人格特質等因素;而受訪館員之服務策略則主要涵括處理個人負面情緒的「克制」、表達個人正面情緒的「淺層飾演」,以及處理他人負面情緒方面的「理性勸說」與「接納傾聽」等。 |
英文摘要 | The aggressive patrons’ outrageous and unreasonable behavior would have serious influence on circulation librarians. However, in order to maintain the service quality, “emotional labor” is usually performed by the librarians when encounter aggressive patrons. Emotional labor is the manipulation of the required emotional expression, and the strategies used to maintain the service quality. To understand circulation librarians’ service strategies coping with aggressive patrons from the perspective of emotional labor, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted in this study. The interviewees consisted of 15 university circulation librarians all over Taiwan. The findings revealed that the factors which may elicit aggressive reaction included library services and the patrons’ personal traits. And to cope with the aggressive patrons, the circulation librarians would employ self-controlling, surface acting, and other service strategies such as persuasion or active listening. |