- 朱天文《巫言.巫途》中的死亡敘事--以傷悼、空間、路徑為觀察角度
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題 名 | 朱天文《巫言.巫途》中的死亡敘事--以傷悼、空間、路徑為觀察角度=The Death Narration on 'Sorcerer's Route' by Chu Tianwen--From the Perspectives of Mourning, Space and Path |
作 者 | 莊家瑋; | 書刊名 | 中國文學研究 |
卷 期 | 35 2013.01[民102.01] |
頁 次 | 頁137-175 |
分類號 | 823.68 |
關鍵詞 | 朱天文; 巫言; 空間; 死亡敘事; Zhu Tianwen; Sorceress' discourse; Space; Death narration; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文將朱天文第二部長篇小說《巫言》中的第四章〈巫途〉,定位為作家對一九九八年所遭遇的重大生命事件:「父親之死」所行之悼念敘事與追憶書寫。在小說中,面對著朱西甯這樣一位亦父亦師,既為小說同業,又是一家之主的至親之逝去,透過書寫,自詡為「巫」的小說家如何再現父親的形象身影、召喚對亡者的記憶思念?如何展開思索死亡命題、探勘存有奧義的敘事之途?以「途」為喻,〈巫途〉展現了「傷悼」、「空間」、「路徑」彼此聯繫的敘事交錯,本文即以「空間感知與傷悼敘事」、「死亡之路與尋父之途」為論述關目,進行詮釋。第一部份著眼於「巫途(1)」中的再現空間:城市、教堂、醫院、電話亭;以及「不結伴的旅行者(4)」中「前社長」臨終所在的家屋,探討「空間」與「傷悼」的意義辯證。第二部份聚焦於「不結伴的旅行者(4)」與「巫途(2)」二節,考察兩個「路徑」隱喻所帶出的敘事:「前社長」的死亡之路與「我」的尋父之途。前者關切「前社長」如何面對已然預知死亡的臨終之路?後者追索「前社長」的「遺言」所隱含的意義蹤跡,以及《細胞轉型》中「老爹」的筆跡所開啟的意義世界 |
英文摘要 | This paper, based on Chapter 4 "Sorceress' Route" in Zhu Tianwen's novel Sorcerer's Discourse, is concerned with the narration of mourning and the writing of memory of a significant life event: the death of her father. In the novel, Zhu Tianwen, when facing the death of her father Zhu Xining, calls herself a sorcerer and shows how she re-creates the images of her father, recalls the memory in life, ponders the topics of death, and develops the writing of death and existence. Using "route" as a metaphor, "Sorceress' Route" demonstrates a narrative connection between mourning, space, and path. This paper explores two major issues. The first issue is the perception of space and mourning in narration-specifically, the interpretation of space and mourning with the focus on the representational space, such as a city, church, hospital and telephone booth, in "Sorceress' Route" and the home of the ex-director in Unaccompanied Traveler. The second issue is the path to death and the path to the search of one's father. Specifically, this essay examines the narration from the metaphors of two paths in Unaccompanied Traveler and "Sorceress' Route." The first path concerns with how the ex-director faces his inevitable demise. The latter path involves the implied trace of meaning in the ex-director's testament and the meaning of the handwriting in The Transformed Cell |