題 名 | 八卦山遊憩區發展生態旅遊之遊憩效益評估=A Study on the Application of CVM to Evaluate Recreational Value of Baqua Mountain Recreation Park Area for the Development of Eco-Tourism |
作 者 | 陳若華; 呂適仲; | 書刊名 | 運動休閒餐旅研究 |
卷 期 | 7:4 2012.12[民101.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-10 |
分類號 | 992.82 |
關鍵詞 | 生態旅遊; 條件評估法; 遊憩效益; 願付價格; Eco-tourism; CVM; Recreation value; WTP; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來,台灣地區科技進步與工商發展,間接地使遊憩活動日益頻繁,卻使生態環境破壞日趨嚴重,於高自然度之地域更甚,儘管試圖施之以對環境友善之環境管理策略與適當之監控,仍無法阻止生態環境之破壞,因此,以都市近郊之休閒遊憩區作為發展生態旅遊之遊憩地點,將成為未來生態環境保護之重要策略之一,除可及性較一般自然地區佳外,更重要的是能減緩該地區之高使用強度與提供更多元的環境教育機會,並且能減少因交通運輸所產生的能源消耗問題;八卦山遊憩園區位於彰化縣境內,生態物種豐富(姚正得、施桂,1999;夏太長,2008),且鄰近各級學校林立,甚具環境教育之價值,故若能以此研究區域作為近都市地區發展生態旅遊之地點,將有其正面之環境意義;本研究以條件評估法(CVM)針對八卦山遊憩區進行發展生態旅遊之效益評估,評估結果得知不同社經背景之受訪者對其環境價值、生態旅遊及該區域發展生態旅遊之認知有所不同。再者受訪者對環境態度不同,亦會對環境價值認知與該區域發展生態旅遊之認知有所差異;透過條件評估法計算,其遊憩效益之價值為1,427,827元,若能將此遊憩效益視為使用者付費之價值,除可替該區域之生態維護與環境管理提供一定之助益外,長期為之,對資源供給者與需求者將為可行且雙贏之環境保育策略。 |
英文摘要 | Recently, the recreational activities are increasing with economic development although the environment-friendly strategies were used for the suitable management and monitoring. Therefore, the development of urban ecological recreation area has become one of the trends to decrease recreational impact, because the comfortable traffics, energy-saving, less use level, and more environmental education are happened. The case is sited at the Baqua Mountain Recreation Park Area, Chuangha city, and it owns high biodiversity for more opportunities of environmental education. Therefore, the development of eco-tourism at this site is affirmative. The study tried to analyze the recreation value for eco-tourism development by using contingent valuation method to recognize the environmental value, eco-tourism identity, and future development identification. The results showed the social background influence other factors, including the WTP, and the different environmental identities have different thoughts of environmental and recreational value. Through CVM, the WTP was N.T. 1,427,827, so that the value was viewed as the fee for future management and eco-tourism development. It might offer the long-term funding to improve the environmental conservation and local sustainable development. |