- 國際觀光旅館主管組織變革認知、工作態度與工作績效之相關研究--以薪酬制度為干擾變項
- 國際觀光旅館管理階層對組織變革認知與工作績效之相關研究--以工作態度為中介效果
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題 名 | 國際觀光旅館主管組織變革認知、工作態度與工作績效之相關研究--以薪酬制度為干擾變項=Study of Managers' Perception of Organizational Change, Work Attitude and Job Performance of International Tourist Hotels--Compensation System as a Moderator |
作 者 | 許順旺; 陳秀玉; 張勻絜; | 書刊名 | 運動休閒餐旅研究 |
卷 期 | 7:2 2012.06[民101.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-28 |
分類號 | 494.3 |
關鍵詞 | 組織變革認知; 工作投入; 組織承諾; 平衡計分卡; 薪酬制度; Organizational change cognition; Job involvement; Organizational commitment; Balanced scorecard; Compensation system; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以國際觀光旅館主管為研究對象,探討主管組織變革認知是否會對工作態度或工作績效產生影響,以及透過薪酬制度的干擾是否會對組織變革認知與工作態度產生影響。受測對象為國際觀光旅館內副主任級(含副主廚級)以上之主管。問卷共計發放400份,回收有效問卷為315份。研究結果顯示:組織變革認知對工作態度及其子構面工作投入與組織承諾呈顯著的正相關;工作態度及其子構面組織承諾對工作績效呈顯著正相關;組織變革認知對工作績效及其子構面內部流程及學習與成長呈顯著正相關;薪酬制度對於組織變革認知與組織承諾有顯著干擾效果存在。 |
英文摘要 | This research aimed to explore the relationship among hotel managers' perceptions of organizational change, work attitude and job performance. The moderator effect of compensation system on the relationship between perception of organizational change and work attitude was also examined. The research samples were managers who have been serving at the international tourist hotels in Taiwan. There were 400 questionnaires sent, while 315 were returned as valid data. The results showed that (1) hotel managers' perceptions of organizational change has a positive relationship with job involvement and organizational commitment in work attitude; (2) work attitude and organizational commitment have a positive relationship with job performance; (3) perceptions of organizational change has a positive relationship with job performance and its sub-construct as internal process and learning-and-growth; (4) compensation system shows significant impact on the relations between perceptions of organizational change and organizational commitment. |