題 名 | 山坡地社區周緣環境地質災害防災主題圖製作=Producing Thematic Maps for Environmental-Geological Disaster Preventions in Hillside Residential Community |
作 者 | 陳建忠; 沈哲緯; 冀樹勇; | 書刊名 | 建築學報 |
卷 期 | 80(增刊) 2012.06[民101.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-24 |
分類號 | 545 |
關鍵詞 | 3S技術; 環境地質災害; 防災社區; 防災地圖; 風險地圖; 3S technology; GIS technology; GPS technology; RS technology; Environmental-geological disaster; Resistant community; Hazard map; Risk map; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究採用3S(GIS/GPS/RS)技術蒐集社區周緣潛在環境地質災害與歷史災害資訊,參考台北市1/1,000地質災害敏感區分布圖,結合遙測判釋技術、現地調查及民訪方式建立潛在易致災區域分布,並調查社區周緣環境自然因子、防救災資源、災害防制疏散避難路線等資訊,建立以社區為單位之高精度防災主題圖,計有易致災區域分布圖、防災地圖、優先防治敏感區、風險地圖與環境地質災害潛勢分析診斷圖,期提供社區進行全面災前整備、災中資源分配與災後復原規劃等參考,期望能加速落實社區防救災作業,達成防災社區目標。 |
英文摘要 | This study used 3S (GIS/GPS/RS) technology to collect environmental-geological and historical disasters around hillside residential community. It also consulted the 1/1,000 geologically sensitive area map of Taipei City and combined it with remote sensing, telemetry technology, and field investigation to build up geologically vulnerable areas. Taking these aspects, the study conducted on-site investigation to further determine the potential hazard areas. Moreover, it collected information such as environmental factors around residential community, disaster prevention, and evacuation routes to establish high-resolution thematic maps that include regional distribution map of vulnerability, hazard map of Disaster Prevention, Priority Prevention Sensitive Areas, Risk map and Environmental Diagnostics map. Its purposes to provide information for disaster preparation, resources management, and planning post-disaster restoration in order to quicken the pace of carrying out "disaster resistant community" level. |