題 名 | 美國與臺灣地區社區防災工作發展之分析與比較:對我國消防行政之啟示=The Analysis and Comparison of Development of Community-based Disaster Resistant in United States and Taiwan: Apocalypse to Our Fire Administration |
作 者 | 林俊; 沈子勝; 鄧子正; | 書刊名 | 中央警察大學災害防救學報 |
卷 期 | 4 2003.09[民92.09] |
頁 次 | 頁67-105 |
分類號 | 545 |
關鍵詞 | 社區防災; 防災社區; Project; Impact; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「社區防災」工作是近幾年來政府大力推動防災工作中重要之一環,但目前在國內仍屬初辦階段,亦在尋求合適的推動模式。社區防災工作若能落實執行,對於災害防救助益極大,不但能減少災害應變、重建所投入的成本,更能十是升民眾防災意識,導正「自己的家園,自己保護」的觀念,彌補公部門未來防護到的缺失。本研究將對美國、臺灣二地區在推動社區防災後工作中,針對其發展之背景、目的,推動之單位、模式、步驟,組織編組及推動成效評估等方面的具體發展作比較分析,歸納整理出其優缺點,以作為國內消防機關推動社區防災工作的基礎。 |
英文摘要 | The "Community-Based Disaster Resistant" is one of the most important works of disasters-prevention driven by the government. However, it still remains in the beginning stage and keeps looking for proper models to lend an impetus to. If the "Community-Based Disaster Resistant" can be put into practice, it will not only that reduce the costs of responds toward disasters and reconstruction but also that advances the common people with correct consciousness of how to prevent disaster. And it can build up the concept of that "we protect only our own homeland", in order to make up for the deficiency of what public administration can't do. This research focuses on the works of the "Community-Based Disaster Resistant" driven in Taiwan and the United States. We make analysis and comparison of the backgrounds, destinations of its developments; the units, models, steps, organizations, evaluation of its outcomes and etc. finally, we sort out the merits and defects in order to make it as a basis of setting an action of "Community-Based Disaster Resistant" of domestic fire department. |